Installation Guide

From Julia, PowerModelsONM is installed using the built-in package manager:

]add PowerModelsONM

or equivalently,

import Pkg

Developer Installation

To install PowerModelsONM as a developer,

import Pkg
Pkg.develop(Pkg.PackageSpec(; name="PowerModelsONM", url=""))

From the command-line, outside Julia, one could download the repository, either via, or using git, i.e.,

git clone
git checkout tags/v1.0.0

Then to install PowerModelsONM and its required packages

julia --project="path/to/PowerModelsONM" -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.precompile();'

Gurobi Configuration

To use Gurobi, a Gurobi binary in required on your system, as well as ENV variables defining where the Gurobi binary is, and where your Gurobi license file is, e.g., for Gurobi 9.10 on MacOS,

export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="$HOME/.gurobi/gurobi.lic"
export GUROBI_HOME="/Library/gurobi910/mac64"

BEFORE importing PowerModelsONM with using PowerModelsONM, you must import Gurobi.