Quick Start Guide

The following guide walks through the solution of an optimal power-water flow (opwf) problem using the LinDist3FlowPowerModel power distribution network formulation (specified via PowerModelsDistribution) and the PWLRDWaterModel water distribution network formulation (specified via WaterModels).

Installation of PowerWaterModels

The latest stable release of PowerWaterModels can be installed using the Julia package manager with

] add PowerWaterModels

For the current development version, install the package using

] add PowerWaterModels#master

Finally, test that the package works as expected by executing

] test PowerWaterModels

Installation of an Optimization Solver

At least one optimization solver is required to run PowerWaterModels. The solver selected typically depends on the type of problem formulation being employed. Because of the LinDist3FlowPowerModel/PWLRDWaterModel joint formulation, the overall model considered in this tutorial is mixed-integer nonconvex quadratic. One example of an optimization package capable of solving this problem is the mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver Juniper. Juniper itself depends on the installation of a nonlinear programming solver (e.g., Ipopt) and a mixed-integer linear programming solver (e.g., HiGHS). Installation of the JuMP interfaces to Juniper, Ipopt, and HiGHS can be performed via the Julia package manager, i.e.,

] add JuMP Juniper Ipopt HiGHS

(Optional) Installation of Gurobi

Juniper is likely not the best candidate to solve the mixed-integer nonconvex quadratic problem considered in this tutorial. As another example, the commercial package Gurobi can be used in its place. Assuming Gurobi has already been configured on your system, its Julia interface can be installed using the package manager with

] add Gurobi

Solving an Optimal Power-Water Flow Problem

After installation of the required solvers, an example optimal power-water flow problem (whose file inputs can be found in the examples directory within the PowerWaterModels repository) can be solved via

using JuMP, Juniper, Ipopt, HiGHS
using PowerWaterModels
const WM = PowerWaterModels.WaterModels

# Set up the optimization solvers.
ipopt = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0, "sb" => "yes")
highs = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "log_to_console" => false)
juniper = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
    Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver" => ipopt, "mip_solver" => highs,
    "branch_strategy" => :MostInfeasible, "time_limit" => 60.0)

# Specify paths to the power, water, and power-water linking files.
p_file = "examples/data/opendss/IEEE13_CDPSM.dss" # Power network.
w_file = "examples/data/epanet/cohen-short.inp" # Water network.
pw_file = "examples/data/json/zamzam.json" # Power-water linking.

# Parse the input files as a multi-infrastructure data object.
data = parse_files(p_file, w_file, pw_file)

# Perform OBBT on water network to improve variable bounds.
WM.solve_obbt_owf!(data, ipopt; use_relaxed_network = false,
    model_type = WM.CRDWaterModel, max_iter = 3)

# Use WaterModels to set the partitioning of flows in the water network.
WM.set_flow_partitions_num!(data, 5)

# Specify the power and water formulation types jointly.
pwm_type = PowerWaterModel{LinDist3FlowPowerModel, PWLRDWaterModel}

# Solve the joint optimal power-water flow problem and store the result.
result = solve_opwf(data, pwm_type, juniper)

(Optional) Solving the Problem with Gurobi

Note that Gurobi's NonConvex=2 parameter setting ensures it will correctly handle the nonconvex quadratic constraints that are associated with the power network formulation. The problem considered above can then be solved using Gurobi (instead of Juniper) via

import Gurobi

# Solve the joint optimal power-water flow problem and store its result.
gurobi = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer, "NonConvex" => 2)
result_grb = solve_opwf(data, pwm_type, gurobi)

First, note that Gurobi solves the problem much more quickly than Juniper. Also note the difference in the objectives obtained between Juniper and Gurobi, i.e.,

result["objective"] - result_grb["objective"] # Positive difference.

The objective value obtained via Gurobi is smaller than the one obtained via Juniper, indicating that Gurobi discovered a better solution.

Obtaining Results

The solve commands in PowerWaterModels return detailed results data in the form of a Julia Dict. This dictionary can be saved for further processing as follows:

result = solve_opwf(data, pwm_type, juniper)

For example, the algorithm's runtime and final objective value can be accessed with

result["solve_time"] # Total solve time required (seconds).
result["objective"] # Final objective value (in units of the objective).

The "solution" field contains detailed information about the solution produced by the solve method. For example, the following can be used to inspect the temporal variation in the volume of tank 1 in the water distribution network:

tank_1_volume = Dict(nw=>data["tank"]["10"]["V"] for (nw, data) in result["solution"]["it"]["wm"]["nw"])

For more information about PowerWaterModels result data, see the PowerWaterModels Result Data Format section.

Accessing Different Formulations

As an example, to reformulate the previous problem using the NFAUPowerModel model for power flow and the LRDWaterModel model for water flow, which can then be jointly solved with HiGHS, the following can be executed:

# Instantiate a verbose version of the HiGHS optimizer.
highs_verbose = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "log_to_console" => true)

# Specify the power and water formulation types jointly.
pwm_type_reformulation = PowerWaterModel{NFAUPowerModel, LRDWaterModel}

# Solve the joint optimal power-water flow problem and store the result.
result_reformulation = solve_opwf(data, pwm_type_reformulation, highs_verbose)

Modifying Network Data

The following example demonstrates one way to perform PowerWaterModels solves while modifying network data.

for (nw, network) in data["it"]["wm"]["nw"]
    network["demand"]["3"]["flow_nominal"] *= 0.90
    network["demand"]["4"]["flow_nominal"] *= 0.90
    network["demand"]["5"]["flow_nominal"] *= 0.90

result_mod = solve_opwf(data, pwm_type, juniper)

Note that the smaller demands in the modified problem result in an overall smaller objective value, i.e.,

# The comparison below should return `true`.
result_mod["objective"] < result["objective"]

For additional details about the network data, see the PowerWaterModels Network Data Format section.

Alternate Methods for Building and Solving Models

The following example demonstrates how to decompose a solve_opwf call into separate model building and solving steps. This allows for inspection of the JuMP model created by PowerWaterModels:

# Instantiate the model.
pwm = instantiate_model(data, pwm_type, build_opwf);

# Print the contents of the JuMP model.

The problem can then be solved and its two result dictionaries can be stored via:

# Solve the PowerWaterModels problem and store the result.
result = PowerWaterModels._IM.optimize_model!(pwm, optimizer = juniper)