PowerModelsSecurityConstrained Documentation


This package provides an extension to PowerModels for Security-Constrained Optimization problems. The original implementation developed an SCOPF solver that was used as the benchmark algorithm for ARPA-e's grid optimization competition challenge 1 in October 2019.


The latest stable release of PowerModelsSecurityConstrained can be installed using the Julia package manager with

] add PowerModelsSecurityConstrained

For the current development version, "checkout" this package with

] add PowerModelsSecurityConstrained#master

At least one solver is required for running PowerModelsSecurityConstrained. The open-source solver Ipopt is recommended, as it is fast, scalable and can be used to solve a wide variety of the problems and network formulations provided in PowerModels. The Ipopt solver can be installed via the package manager with

] add Ipopt

Test that the package works by running

] test PowerModelsSecurityConstrained

ARPA-e SCOPF Benchmark

PowerModelsSecurityConstrained includes a variety of tools for solving problems with contingency constraints. The src/script directory includes the specific algorithm that was submitted to the final event in ARPA-e's grid optimization competition challenge 1 in October 2019.