Runtime arguments

Type: object

The allowed runtime arguments for PowerModelsONM's entrypoint.

No Additional Properties

    "network": "../test/data/ieee13_feeder.dss",
    "gurobi": false,
    "settings": "../test/data/ieee13_settings.json",
    "faults": "../test/data/ieee13_faults.json",
    "inverters": "../test/data/ieee13_inverters.json",
    "events": "../test/data/ieee13_events.json",
    "log-level": "error",
    "opt-disp-formulation": "acr"

Type: string

The network file path (DSS format)

Type: string

The path to the settings input file (JSON format)

Type: string

The path to the events input file (JSON format)

Type: string

The path to the faults input file (JSON format)

Type: string

The path to the inverters input file (JSON format)

Type: string

The path to the output file (JSON format)

Type: boolean

deprecated: solvers/useGurobi

Type: boolean

deprecated: solvers/useKNITRO

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/outputs/log-level

Must be one of:

  • "debug"
  • "info"
  • "warn"
  • "error"

Type: boolean


Type: boolean


Type: boolean


Type: integer Default: 1

Number of processors to utilize for parallel computations (Fault studies and Stability Analysis)

Type: boolean Default: false

deprecated: options/output/pretty-print

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/operations-formulation

Must be one of:

  • "lindistflow"
  • "nfa"
  • "fbs"
  • "fot"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/operations-algorithm

Must be one of:

  • "iterative"
  • "global"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/operations-solver

Must be one of:

  • "misocp_solver"
  • "nlp_solver"
  • "minlp_solver"
  • "mip_solver"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/operations-problem-type

Must be one of:

  • "traditional"
  • "block"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/dispatch-formulation

Must be one of:

  • "acp"
  • "acr"
  • "lindistflow"
  • "nfa"
  • "fbs"
  • "fot"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: missing

Must be one of:

  • "opf"
  • "mld"
  • "oltc"

Type: enum (of string)

deprecated: options/problem/dispatch-solver

Must be one of:

  • "nlp_solver"
  • "misocp_solver"
  • "minlp_solver"
  • "mip_solver"

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/data/fix-small-numbers

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/objective/disable-switch-state-change-cost

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/objective/enable-switch-state-open-cost

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/constraints/disable-radiality-constraint

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/constraints/disable-block-isolation-constraint

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/constraints/disable-grid-forming-inverter-constraint

Type: boolean

deprecated: options/constraints/disable-microgrid-networking

Type: boolean

deprecated: {solvers/HiGHS/presolve,solvers/Gurobi/Presolve,solvers/KNITRO/presolve}