PowerModelsDistribution.jl Library


LinDist3Flow per Arnold et al. (2016), using vector variables for power, voltage and current

D. B. Arnold, M. Sankur, R. Dobbe, K. Brady, D. S. Callaway and A. Von Meier, "Optimal dispatch of reactive power for voltage regulation and balancing in unbalanced distribution systems," 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741261.


Adds a component of type obj_type_name with properties given by object to the existing data_dss structure. If a component of the same type has already been added to data_dss, the new component is appeneded to the existing array of components of that type, otherwise a new array is created.


Adds a property to an existing component properties dictionary object given the key and value of the property. If a property of the same name already exists inside object, the original value is converted to an array, and the new value is appended to the end.


Returns a total (shunt+series) current magnitude bound for the from and to side of a branch. The total power rating also implies a current bound through the lower bound on the voltage magnitude of the connected buses.


Returns a total (shunt+series) power magnitude bound for the from and to side of a branch. The total current rating also implies a current bound through the upper bound on the voltage magnitude of the connected buses.


Returns a total (shunt+series) power magnitude bound for the from and to side of a branch. The total current rating also implies a current bound through the upper bound on the voltage magnitude of the connected buses.


Returns bounds in line-to-line bounds on the voltage magnitude. If these are not part of the problem specification, then a valid upper bound is implied by the line-to-neutral bounds, but a lower bound (greater than zero) is not. Therefore, a default lower bound is then used, specified by the keyword argument vdmin_eps. The returned bounds are for the pairs 1->2, 2->3, 3->1


Returns the voltage magnitude bounds for the individual load elements in a multiphase load. These are inferred from vmin/vmax for wye loads and from calcbusvmll_bounds for delta loads.


Given a set of addmittances 'y' connected from the conductors 'fcnds' to the conductors 'tcnds', this method will return a list of conductors 'cnd' and a matrix 'Y', which will satisfy I[cnds] = Y*V[cnds].


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the expected properties for a Capacitor. If bus2 is not specified, the capacitor will be treated as a shunt. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the properties for a Line. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the expected properties for a Load. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the expected properties for a PVSystem. See OpenDSS document https://github.com/tshort/OpenDSS/blob/master/Doc/OpenDSS%20PVSystem%20Model.doc for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the expected properties for a Reactor. If bus2 is not specified Reactor is treated like a shunt. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all expected properties for a storage element. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all of the expected properties for a Voltage Source. If bus2 is not specified, VSource will be treated like a generator. Mostly used as source which represents the circuit. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify the different properties.


Creates a Dict{String,Any} containing all expected properties for a XYCurve object. See OpenDSS documentation for valid fields and ways to specify different properties.


Adds loads to data_eng from data_dss

Constant can still be scaled by other settings, fixed cannot Note that in the current feature set, fixed therefore equals constant

1: Constant P and Q, default 2: Constant Z 3: Constant P and quadratic Q 4: Exponential 5: Constant I 6: Constant P and fixed Q

7: Constant P and quadratic Q (i.e., fixed reactance)

8: ZIP


Returns the exponential load model parameters for a load. For an exponential load it simply returns certain data model properties, whilst for constantpower, constantcurrent and constant_impedance it returns the equivalent exponential model parameters.


Sometimes we want to bound only a subset of the elements of a matrix variable. For example, an unbounded Hermitian variable usually still has a lower bound of zero on the real diagonal elements. When there is a mix of bounded and unbounded elements, the unboundedness is encoded as 'Inf' and '-Inf' in the bound parameters. This cannot be passed directlty to JuMP, because it would lead to an error in Mosek for example. Instead, this method checks whether all bounds for an element (n,m) are Inf, and if so, does not pass a bound to JuMP.


Merges two (partially) parsed OpenDSS files to the same dictionary dss_prime. Used in cases where files are referenced via the "compile" or "redirect" OpenDSS commands inside the originating file.


Parses a OpenDSS style array string data into a one dimensional array of type dtype. Array strings are capped by either brackets, single quotes, or double quotes, and elements are separated by spaces.


Parses a component with properties into a object. If object is not defined, an empty dictionary will be used. Assumes that unnamed properties are given in order, but named properties can be given anywhere.


Parses a OpenDSS style triangular matrix string data into a two dimensional array of type dtype. Matrix strings are capped by either parenthesis or brackets, rows are separated by "|", and columns are separated by spaces.


Parses a string of properties of a component type, character by character into an array with each element containing (if present) the property name, "=", and the property value.


Converts a set of short-circuit tests to an equivalent reactance network. Reference: R. C. Dugan, “A perspective on transformer modeling for distribution system analysis,” in 2003 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37491), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 114-119 Vol. 1.


Take a multi-conductor voltage variable V and a current variable I. The associated power is then defined as S = VI^H Define the lifted variables as W and L as W = VV^H, L = I*I^H Then, it is equally valid that [W S; S^H L] ∈ PSDCone, rank([W S; S^H L])=1 This function adds this PSD constraint for the rectangular coordinates of S, W and L.


Impose all balance related constraints for which key present in data model of bus. For a discussion of sequence components and voltage unbalance factor (VUF), see @INPROCEEDINGS{girigoudarmolzahnroald-2019, author={K. Girigoudar and D. K. Molzahn and L. A. Roald}, booktitle={submitted}, title={{Analytical and Empirical Comparisons of Voltage Unbalance Definitions}}, year={2019}, month={}, url={https://molzahn.github.io/pubs/girigoudarmolzahnroald-2019.pdf} }


DELTA When connected in delta, the load power gives the reference in the delta reference frame. This means sd1 = vab.conj(iab) = (va-vb).conj(iab) We can relate this to the per-phase power by sna = va.conj(ia) = va.conj(iab-ica) = va.conj(conj(sab/vab) - conj(sca/vca)) = va.(sab/(va-vb) - sca/(vc-va)) So for delta, sn is constrained indirectly.


CONSTANT POWER Fixes the load power sd. sd = [sd1, sd2, sd3] What is actually fixed, depends on whether the load is connected in delta or wye. When connected in wye, the load power equals the per-phase power sn drawn at the bus to which the load is connected. sd1 = va.conj(ia) = sn_a

CONSTANT CURRENT Sets the active and reactive load power sd to be proportional to the the voltage magnitude. pd = cp.|vm| qd = cq.|vm| sd = cp.|vm| + j.cq.|vm|

CONSTANT IMPEDANCE Sets the active and reactive power drawn by the load to be proportional to the square of the voltage magnitude. pd = cp.|vm|^2 qd = cq.|vm|^2 sd = cp.|vm|^2 + j.cq.|vm|^2

DELTA When connected in delta, the load power gives the reference in the delta reference frame. This means sd1 = vab.conj(iab) = (va-vb).conj(iab) We can relate this to the per-phase power by sna = va.conj(ia) = va.conj(iab-ica) = va.conj(conj(sab/vab) - conj(sca/vca)) = va.(sab/(va-vb) - sca/(vc-va)) So for delta, sn is constrained indirectly.


Creates Ohms constraints (yt post fix indicates that Y and T values are in rectangular form)

p_fr ==     g[c,c] * vm_fr[c]^2 +
            sum( g[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) +
                 b[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm) if d != c) +
            sum(-g[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_to[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_to[d]) +
                -b[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_to[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_to[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm))
            + g_fr[c,c] * vm_fr[c]^2 +
            sum( g_fr[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) +
                 b_fr[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm) if d != c)
q_fr == -b[c,c] *vm_fr[c]^2 -
            sum( b[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) -
                 g[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm) if d != c) -
            sum(-b[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_to[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_to[d]) +
                 g[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_to[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_to[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm))
            -b_fr[c,c] *vm_fr[c]^2 -
            sum( b_fr[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*cos(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) -
                 g_fr[c,d]*vm_fr[c]*vm_fr[d]*sin(va_fr[c]-va_fr[d]) for d in conductor_ids(pm) if d != c)

Creates Ohms constraints (yt post fix indicates that Y and T values are in rectangular form)

p[t_idx] ==  (g+g_to)*v[t_bus]^2 + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*cos(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus])) + (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*sin(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus]))
q[t_idx] == -(b+b_to)*v[t_bus]^2 - (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*cos(t[f_bus]-t[t_bus])) + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*sin(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus]))

Creates Ohms constraints (yt post fix indicates that Y and T values are in rectangular form)

p[t_idx] ==  (g+g_to)*v[t_bus]^2 + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*cos(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus])) + (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*sin(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus]))
q[t_idx] == -(b+b_to)*v[t_bus]^2 - (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*cos(t[f_bus]-t[t_bus])) + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v[t_bus]*v[f_bus]*sin(t[t_bus]-t[f_bus]))

Creates the constraints modelling the (relaxed) voltage-dependency of the power consumed in each phase, s=p+jq. This is completely symmetrical for p and q, with appropriate substitutions of the variables and parameters: p->q, a->b, alpha->beta, pmin->qmin, pmax->qmax


Parses a OpenDSS file given by filename into a Dict{Array{Dict}}. Only supports components and options, but not commands, e.g. "plot" or "solve". Will also parse files defined inside of the originating DSS file via the "compile", "redirect" or "buscoords" commands.


See section 4.3 for complex to real PSD constraint transformation: @article{Fazel2001, author = {Fazel, M. and Hindi, H. and Boyd, S.P.}, title = {{A rank minimization heuristic with application to minimum order system approximation}}, doi = {10.1109/ACC.2001.945730}, journal = {Proc. American Control Conf.}, number = {2}, pages = {4734–4739}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=945730}, volume = {6}, year = {2001} }


SDP to SOC relaxation of type 2, applied to complex-value matrix, as described in:

author = {Kim, S and Kojima, M and Yamashita, M},
title = {{Second order cone programming relaxation of a positive semidefinite constraint}},
doi = {10.1080/1055678031000148696},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
number = {5},
pages = {535--541},
volume = {18},
year = {2003}

SDP to SOC relaxation of type 2, applied to complex-value matrix, as described in:

author = {Kim, S and Kojima, M and Yamashita, M},
title = {{Second order cone programming relaxation of a positive semidefinite constraint}},
doi = {10.1080/1055678031000148696},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
number = {5},
pages = {535--541},
volume = {18},
year = {2003}

See section 4.3 for complex to real PSD constraint transformation: @article{Fazel2001, author = {Fazel, M. and Hindi, H. and Boyd, S.P.}, title = {{A rank minimization heuristic with application to minimum order system approximation}}, doi = {10.1109/ACC.2001.945730}, journal = {Proc. American Control Conf.}, number = {2}, pages = {4734–4739}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=945730}, volume = {6}, year = {2001} }


SDP to SOC relaxation of type 2, applied to real-value matrix, as described in:

author = {Kim, S and Kojima, M and Yamashita, M},
title = {{Second order cone programming relaxation of a positive semidefinite constraint}},
doi = {10.1080/1055678031000148696},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
number = {5},
pages = {535--541},
volume = {18},
year = {2003}

SDP to SOC relaxation of type 2, applied to real-value matrix, as described in:

author = {Kim, S and Kojima, M and Yamashita, M},
title = {{Second order cone programming relaxation of a positive semidefinite constraint}},
doi = {10.1080/1055678031000148696},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
number = {5},
pages = {535--541},
volume = {18},
year = {2003}

The variable creation for the loads is rather complicated because Expressions are used wherever possible instead of explicit variables. All loads need a current variable; for wye loads, this variable will be in the wye reference frame whilst for delta currents it will be in the delta reference frame. All loads need variables for the off-diagonals of the nodal power variables. In some cases, the diagonals elements can be created as Expressions. Delta loads only need a current variable and auxilary power variable (X), and all other load model variables are then linear transformations of these (linear Expressions).


The variable creation for the loads is rather complicated because Expressions are used wherever possible instead of explicit variables. Delta loads always need a current variable and auxilary power variable (X), and all other load model variables are then linear transformations of these (linear Expressions). Wye loads however, don't need any variables when the load is modelled as constant power or constant impedance. In all other cases (e.g. when a cone is used to constrain the power), variables need to be created.


The bus qualifier denotes that this is the power withdrawn at the bus; Only for grounded wye-connected loads, this is the same as the power consumed by the multi-phase load. The off-diagonals only need to be created for the matrix KCL formulation.


Creates power matrix variable X for delta windings; this defines both the wye-side power Sy and the delta-side power Sd through the lin. transformations Sy = X.Td, Sd = Td.X with Td=[1 -1 0; 0 1 -1; -1 0 1]

See the paper by Zhao et al. for the first convex relaxation of delta transformations. @INPROCEEDINGS{zhaooptimal2017, author={C. Zhao, E. Dall'Anese and S. Low}, booktitle={IREP 2017 Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium}, title={{Optimal Power Flow in Multiphase Radial Networks with Delta Connections}}, year={2017}, month={}, url={https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy18osti/67852.pdf} }

See upcoming paper for discussion of bounds. [reference added when accepted]


Shorthand to create two real matrix variables, where the first is the real part and the second the imaginary part. If the name argument is a String, it will be suffixed with 're' and 'im'. It is possible to specify the names of the real and imaginary part directly as a Tuple as well (to achieve P and Q instead of Sre and Sim for example).


Same as variablemxcomplex, but square and the diagonal of the matrix variables consists of the constants passed as the diagre and diagim argument. The diag argument is a dictionary of (index, 1d-array) pairs. Useful for power matrices with specified diagonals (constant power wye loads).


This function creates a set of real matrix variables of size NxM, indexed over the elements of the indices argument. The upper and lower bounds have to be specified, and are dictionaries with the indices as keys and the matrix bounds as values. The name and prefix arguments will be combined into the base_name argument for JuMP; the prefix will typically be the network number nw. Instead of sequentially creating the matrix variables, the elements of the matrices are created sequentially for all matrices at once. I.e., we loop over the elements, and not over the indices. This is needed so that the variable names printed by JuMP are in line with the current design.

Returns a dictionary of (index, matrix variable) pairs


Same as variablemxreal, but has to be square and the diagonal of the matrix variables consists of the elements passed as the diag argument. The diag argument is a dictionary of (index, 1d-array) pairs. Useful for power matrices with specified diagonals (constant power wye loads). If not specified, the diagonal elements are set to zero.
