Adversarial machine learning with Lux.jl
The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how to embed a neural network model from Lux.jl into JuMP.
Required packages
This tutorial requires the following packages
using JuMP
import Lux
import Ipopt
import MathOptAI
import MLDatasets
import MLUtils
import OneHotArrays
import Optimisers
import Plots
import Random
import Zygote
This tutorial uses images from the MNIST dataset.
We load the predefined train and test splits:
train_data = MLDatasets.MNIST(; split = :train)
dataset MNIST:
metadata => Dict{String, Any} with 3 entries
split => :train
features => 28×28×60000 Array{Float32, 3}
targets => 60000-element Vector{Int64}
test_data = MLDatasets.MNIST(; split = :test)
dataset MNIST:
metadata => Dict{String, Any} with 3 entries
split => :test
features => 28×28×10000 Array{Float32, 3}
targets => 10000-element Vector{Int64}
Since the data are images, it is helpful to plot them. (This requires a transpose and reversing the rows to get the orientation correct.)
function plot_image(x::Matrix; kwargs...)
return Plots.heatmap(
x'[size(x, 1):-1:1, :];
xlims = (1, size(x, 2)),
ylims = (1, size(x, 1)),
aspect_ratio = true,
legend = false,
xaxis = false,
yaxis = false,
function plot_image(instance::NamedTuple)
return plot_image(instance.features; title = "Label = $(instance.targets)")
Plots.plot([plot_image(train_data[i]) for i in 1:6]...; layout = (2, 3))
We use a simple neural network with one hidden layer and a sigmoid activation function. (There are better performing networks; try experimenting.)
chain = Lux.Chain(
Lux.Dense(28^2 => 32, Lux.sigmoid),
Lux.Dense(32 => 10),
rng = Random.MersenneTwister();
parameters, state = Lux.setup(rng, chain)
predictor = (chain, parameters, state);
Here is a function to load our data into the format that predictor
function data_loader(data; batchsize, shuffle = false)
x = reshape(data.features, 28^2, :)
y = OneHotArrays.onehotbatch(data.targets, 0:9)
return MLUtils.DataLoader((x, y); batchsize, shuffle)
data_loader (generic function with 1 method)
and here is a function to score the percentage of correct labels, where we assign a label by choosing the label of the highest softmax
in the final layer.
function score_model(predictor, data)
chain, parameters, state = predictor
x, y = only(data_loader(data; batchsize = length(data)))
y_hat, _ = chain(x, parameters, state)
is_correct = OneHotArrays.onecold(y) .== OneHotArrays.onecold(y_hat)
p = round(100 * sum(is_correct) / length(is_correct); digits = 2)
println("Accuracy = $p %")
score_model (generic function with 1 method)
The accuracy of our model is only around 10% before training:
score_model(predictor, train_data)
score_model(predictor, test_data)
Accuracy = 10.0 %
Accuracy = 10.12 %
Let's improve that by training our model.
It is not the purpose of this tutorial to explain how Lux works; see the documentation at for more details. Changing the number of epochs or the learning rate can improve the loss.
train_loader = data_loader(train_data; batchsize = 256, shuffle = true)
optimizer_state = Optimisers.setup(Optimisers.Adam(0.0003f0), parameters)
for epoch in 1:30
loss = 0.0
for (x, y) in train_loader
global state
(loss_batch, state), pullback = Zygote.pullback(parameters) do p
y_model, new_state = chain(x, p, state)
return Lux.CrossEntropyLoss()(y_model, y), new_state
gradients = only(pullback((one(loss), nothing)))
Optimisers.update!(optimizer_state, parameters, gradients)
loss += loss_batch
loss = round(loss / length(train_loader); digits = 4)
print("Epoch $epoch: loss = $loss\t")
score_model(predictor, test_data)
Epoch 1: loss = 1.7645 Accuracy = 77.04 %
Epoch 2: loss = 1.1347 Accuracy = 84.26 %
Epoch 3: loss = 0.833 Accuracy = 86.87 %
Epoch 4: loss = 0.6618 Accuracy = 88.39 %
Epoch 5: loss = 0.5553 Accuracy = 89.36 %
Epoch 6: loss = 0.4844 Accuracy = 90.05 %
Epoch 7: loss = 0.435 Accuracy = 90.64 %
Epoch 8: loss = 0.3973 Accuracy = 91.0 %
Epoch 9: loss = 0.3689 Accuracy = 91.32 %
Epoch 10: loss = 0.3462 Accuracy = 91.64 %
Epoch 11: loss = 0.3272 Accuracy = 91.92 %
Epoch 12: loss = 0.3117 Accuracy = 92.1 %
Epoch 13: loss = 0.298 Accuracy = 92.24 %
Epoch 14: loss = 0.2863 Accuracy = 92.46 %
Epoch 15: loss = 0.2761 Accuracy = 92.67 %
Epoch 16: loss = 0.2667 Accuracy = 92.82 %
Epoch 17: loss = 0.258 Accuracy = 92.93 %
Epoch 18: loss = 0.2506 Accuracy = 93.09 %
Epoch 19: loss = 0.2436 Accuracy = 93.22 %
Epoch 20: loss = 0.2371 Accuracy = 93.31 %
Epoch 21: loss = 0.2309 Accuracy = 93.46 %
Epoch 22: loss = 0.2254 Accuracy = 93.58 %
Epoch 23: loss = 0.2204 Accuracy = 93.71 %
Epoch 24: loss = 0.2156 Accuracy = 93.87 %
Epoch 25: loss = 0.2103 Accuracy = 93.88 %
Epoch 26: loss = 0.2065 Accuracy = 93.96 %
Epoch 27: loss = 0.202 Accuracy = 94.07 %
Epoch 28: loss = 0.1979 Accuracy = 94.15 %
Epoch 29: loss = 0.1943 Accuracy = 94.22 %
Epoch 30: loss = 0.1905 Accuracy = 94.19 %
Here are the first eight predictions of the test data:
function plot_image(predictor, x::Matrix)
y, _ = chain(vec(x), parameters, state)
score, index = findmax(y)
title = "Predicted: $(index - 1) ($(round(Int, 100 * score))%)"
return plot_image(x; title)
plots = [plot_image(predictor, test_data[i].features) for i in 1:8]
Plots.plot(plots...; size = (1200, 600), layout = (2, 4))
We can also look at the best and worst four predictions:
x, y = only(data_loader(test_data; batchsize = length(test_data)))
y_model, _ = chain(x, parameters, state)
losses = Lux.CrossEntropyLoss(; agg = identity)(y_model, y)
indices = sortperm(losses; dims = 2)[[1:4; end-3:end]]
plots = [plot_image(predictor, test_data[i].features) for i in indices]
Plots.plot(plots...; size = (1200, 600), layout = (2, 4))
There are still some fairly bad mistakes. Can you change the model or training parameters improve to improve things?
Now that we have a trained machine learning model, we can embed it in a JuMP model.
Here's a function which takes a test case and returns an example that maximizes the probability of the adversarial example.
function find_adversarial_image(test_case; adversary_label, δ = 0.05)
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, 0 <= x[1:28, 1:28] <= 1)
@constraint(model, -δ .<= x .- test_case.features .<= δ)
# Note: we need to use `vec` here because `x` is a 28-by-28 Matrix, but our
# neural network expects a 28^2 length vector.
y, _ = MathOptAI.add_predictor(model, predictor, vec(x))
@objective(model, Max, y[adversary_label+1] - y[test_case.targets+1])
@assert is_solved_and_feasible(model)
return value.(x)
find_adversarial_image (generic function with 1 method)
Let's try finding an adversarial example to the third test image. The image on the left is our input image. The network thinks this is a 1
with probability 99%. The image on the right is the adversarial image. The network thinks this is a 7
, although it is less confident.
x_adversary = find_adversarial_image(test_data[3]; adversary_label = 7);
plot_image(predictor, test_data[3].features),
plot_image(predictor, Float32.(x_adversary)),
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