Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow.
Remote bus voltage control is possible by specifying the controlled terminal located at some place remote from the controlling equipment.
The specified terminal shall be associated with the connectivity node of the controlled point. The most specific subtype of RegulatingControl shall be used in case such equipment participate in the control, e.g. TapChangerControl for tap changers.
For flow control, load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.
The attribute minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are required in the following cases:
- For a power generating module operated in power factor control mode to specify maximum and minimum power factor values;
- Whenever it is necessary to have an off center target voltage for the tap changer regulator. For instance, due to long cables to off shore wind farms and the need to have a simpler setup at the off shore transformer platform, the voltage is controlled from the land at the connection point for the off shore wind farm. Since there usually is a voltage rise along the cable, there is typical and overvoltage of up 3-4 kV compared to the on shore station. Thus in normal operation the tap changer on the on shore station is operated with a target set point, which is in the lower parts of the dead band.
The attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are not related to the attribute targetDeadband and thus they are not treated as an alternative of the targetDeadband. They are needed due to limitations in the local substation controller. The attribute targetDeadband is used to prevent the power flow from move the tap position in circles (hunting) that is to be used regardless of the attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue.
Pointer to SwitchingAction object
Must match regular expression:^SwitchingAction::'(.+)'$
An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.
No Additional PropertiesPointer to ConnectivityNode object
Must match regular expression:^ConnectivityNode::'(.+)'$
The connected status is related to a bus-branch model and the topological node to terminal relation. True implies the terminal is connected to the related topological node and false implies it is not.
In a bus-branch model, the connected status is used to tell if equipment is disconnected without having to change the connectivity described by the topological node to terminal relation. A valid case is that conducting equipment can be connected in one end and open in the other. In particular for an AC line segment, where the reactive line charging can be significant, this is a relevant case.
Represents the normal network phasing condition. If the attribute is missing, three phases (ABC) shall be assumed, except for terminals of grounding classes (specializations of EarthFaultCompensator, GroundDisconnector, and Ground) which will be assumed to be N. Therefore, phase code ABCN is explicitly declared when needed, e.g. for star point grounding equipment.
The phase code on terminals connecting same ConnectivityNode or same TopologicalNode as well as for equipment between two terminals shall be consistent.
The orientation of the terminal connections for a multiple terminal conducting equipment. The sequence numbering starts with 1 and additional terminals should follow in increasing order. The first terminal is the "starting point" for a two terminal branch.
Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.
Phases that are measured for controlling the device.
Lower control setting.
(For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances) Kind of regulation branch.
Kind of local controller.
Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.
Upper control setting.
Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection.
If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied.
Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow.
Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow.
Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow.
Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow.
True if the locally controlled capacitor has voltage override capability.
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the high voltage override value. If the voltage is above this value, the shunt impedance will be turned off regardless of the other local controller settings.
For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the end of the branch that is regulated. The field has the following values: from side, to side, and tertiary (only if the branch is a transformer).
True if open is normal status for a fixed capacitor bank, otherwise normal status is closed.
Time interval between consecutive switching operations.
The regulation is performed in a discrete mode. This applies to equipment with discrete controls, e.g. tap changers and shunt compensators.
The regulating control mode presently available. This specification allows for determining the kind of regulation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule.
Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location.
This is a deadband used with discrete control to avoid excessive update of controls like tap changers and shunt compensator banks while regulating. The units of those appropriate for the mode. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. If RegulatingControl.discrete is set to "false", the RegulatingControl.targetDeadband is to be ignored.
Note that for instance, if the targetValue is 100 kV and the targetDeadband is 2 kV the range is from 99 to 101 kV.
The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value without the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute.
The size of the individual units that make up the bank.
For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the flow direction: in, out.
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.
For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the low voltage override value. If the voltage is below this value, the shunt impedance will be turned on regardless of the other local controller settings.
Specify the multiplier for used for the targetValue.
The flag tells if regulation is enabled.
For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the index of the regulation branch.
Maximum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).
Minimum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).
True if regulated voltages are measured line to line, otherwise they are measured line to ground.
The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
Kind of control (if any).
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.