
Document describing details of an active or planned outage in a part of the electrical network.
A non-planned outage may be created upon:
- a breaker trip,
- a fault indicator status change,
- a meter event indicating customer outage,
- a reception of one or more customer trouble calls, or
- an operator command, reflecting information obtained from the field crew.
Outage restoration may be performed using a switching plan which complements the outage information with detailed switching activities, including the relationship to the crew and work.
A planned outage may be created upon:
- a request for service, maintenance or construction work in the field, or
- an operator-defined outage for what-if/contingency network analysis.


Type: object
No Additional Properties


Type: object

Status of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute.

Type: string Default: null

Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.

Type: string Default: null

Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.

Type: string Default: null

Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.

Type: string Default: null

Date and time for which status 'value' applies.


Type: string

Free text comment.


Type: object

Status of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute.
Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc.

Type: string Default: null

Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.

Type: string Default: null

Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.

Type: string Default: null

Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.

Type: string Default: null

Date and time for which status 'value' applies.


Type: enum (of string)

Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.

Must be one of:

  • "PlannedOutage"


Type: object

Electronic address.

Type: string Default: null

World wide web address.

Type: string Default: null

User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc.

Type: string Default: null

MAC (Media Access Control) address.

Type: string Default: null

Password needed to log in.

Type: string Default: null

Alternate email address.

Type: string Default: null

Address on local area network.

Type: string Default: null

Primary email address.

Type: string Default: null

Radio address.


Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.


Type: string

Name of the author of this document.


Type: enum (of string)

defines the status of the crew as in dispatched or arrived, etc.

Must be one of:

  • "CrewStatusKind.awaitingCrewAssignment"
  • "CrewStatusKind.assigned"
  • "CrewStatusKind.arrived"
  • "CrewStatusKind.enroute"
  • "CrewStatusKind.fieldComplete"


Type: string

This contains an disclaimers the utility would like to place on the data provided to any stakeholder. This may be different for different stakeholders. This should possibly be an attribute under the Organization class but it is placed here for now.


Type: string

Utility-specific classification of this document, according to its corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).


Type: string

Document title.


Type: string

a name to denote the community - this could be a name or a code of some kind.


Type: string

Revision number for this document.


Type: integer

the total number of customers that are served in the area (both outaged and not outaged).


Type: object

Estimated outage period for a planned outage. The start of the period is the start of the planned outage and the end of the period corresponds to the end of the planned outage.

Type: string Default: null

End date and time of this interval. The end date and time where the interval is defined up to, but excluded.

Type: string Default: null

Start date and time of this interval. The start date and time is included in the defined interval.


Type: integer

number of customers that have been restored in the area.


Type: string

Date and time that this document was created.


Type: integer

The original number of meters that were affected as reported by the OMS within the utility. That is, this is the total number of meters that were out at the beginning of the outage.


Type: string

Document subject.


Type: string

The reason for the planned outage.


Type: object

Summary counts of service points (customers) affected by this outage.

Type: integer Default: null

Number of critical service (delivery) points affected by an outage.

Type: integer Default: null

Number of all service (delivery) points affected by an outage.


Type: integer

The updated number of meters affected by the outage as reported by the OMS within the utility. It is assumed this number will be updated repeatedly until the full outage is resolved.


Type: string

Date and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime.


Type: object

Actual outage period; end of the period corresponds to the actual restoration time.

Type: string Default: null

End date and time of this interval. The end date and time where the interval is defined up to, but excluded.

Type: string Default: null

Start date and time of this interval. The start date and time is included in the defined interval.


Type: enum (of string)

Defines if the outage has been verified or is only estimated

Must be one of:

  • "OutageStatusKind.predicted"
  • "OutageStatusKind.closed"
  • "OutageStatusKind.confirmed"
  • "OutageStatusKind.restored"
  • "OutageStatusKind.partiallyRestored"


Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.


Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.


Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.


Type: object

Document describing the consequence of an unplanned outage in a part of the electrical network. For the purposes of this model, an unplanned outage refers to a state where energy is not delivered; such as, customers out of service, a street light is not served, etc.
A unplanned outage may be created upon:
- impacts the SAIDI calculation
- a breaker trip,
- a fault indicator status change,
- a meter event indicating customer outage,
- a reception of one or more customer trouble calls, or
- an operator command, reflecting information obtained from the field crew.
Outage restoration may be performed using a switching plan which complements the outage information with detailed switching activities, including the relationship to the crew and work.

No Additional Properties


Type: array of string

Pointers to ActivityRecord objects

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:


Type: string

Pointer to ActivityRecord object


Type: object

Status of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute.

Type: string Default: null

Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.

Type: string Default: null

Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.

Type: string Default: null

Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.

Type: string Default: null

Date and time for which status 'value' applies.


Type: string

Free text comment.


Type: object

Status of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute.
Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc.

Type: string Default: null

Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.

Type: string Default: null

Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.

Type: string Default: null

Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.

Type: string Default: null

Date and time for which status 'value' applies.


Type: enum (of string)

Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.

Must be one of:

  • "UnplannedOutage"


Type: object

Electronic address.

Type: string Default: null

World wide web address.

Type: string Default: null

User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc.

Type: string Default: null

MAC (Media Access Control) address.

Type: string Default: null

Password needed to log in.

Type: string Default: null

Alternate email address.

Type: string Default: null

Address on local area network.

Type: string Default: null

Primary email address.

Type: string Default: null

Radio address.


Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.


Type: string

Name of the author of this document.


Type: enum (of string)

defines the status of the crew as in dispatched or arrived, etc.

Must be one of:

  • "CrewStatusKind.awaitingCrewAssignment"
  • "CrewStatusKind.assigned"
  • "CrewStatusKind.arrived"
  • "CrewStatusKind.enroute"
  • "CrewStatusKind.fieldComplete"


Type: string

This contains an disclaimers the utility would like to place on the data provided to any stakeholder. This may be different for different stakeholders. This should possibly be an attribute under the Organization class but it is placed here for now.


Type: string

Utility-specific classification of this document, according to its corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).


Type: string

Document title.


Type: string

a name to denote the community - this could be a name or a code of some kind.


Type: string

Revision number for this document.


Type: integer

the total number of customers that are served in the area (both outaged and not outaged).


Type: object

Estimated outage period for a planned outage. The start of the period is the start of the planned outage and the end of the period corresponds to the end of the planned outage.

Type: string Default: null

End date and time of this interval. The end date and time where the interval is defined up to, but excluded.

Type: string Default: null

Start date and time of this interval. The start date and time is included in the defined interval.


Type: integer

number of customers that have been restored in the area.


Type: string

Date and time that this document was created.


Type: enum (of string)

The possible cause that could be associated with this unplanned outage.

Must be one of:

  • "OutageCauseKind.treeDown"
  • "OutageCauseKind.animal"
  • "OutageCauseKind.lightingStrike"
  • "OutageCauseKind.poleDown"
  • "OutageCauseKind.lineDown"


Type: integer

The original number of meters that were affected as reported by the OMS within the utility. That is, this is the total number of meters that were out at the beginning of the outage.


Type: string

Document subject.


Type: string

Date and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime.


Type: object

Summary counts of service points (customers) affected by this outage.

Type: integer Default: null

Number of critical service (delivery) points affected by an outage.

Type: integer Default: null

Number of all service (delivery) points affected by an outage.


Type: integer

The updated number of meters affected by the outage as reported by the OMS within the utility. It is assumed this number will be updated repeatedly until the full outage is resolved.


Type: string

The earliest start time of the Outage - as reported by some system or individual


Type: object

Actual outage period; end of the period corresponds to the actual restoration time.

Type: string Default: null

End date and time of this interval. The end date and time where the interval is defined up to, but excluded.

Type: string Default: null

Start date and time of this interval. The start date and time is included in the defined interval.


Type: string

The cause of this outage. This is the cause that is used to present to external entities. That is, the cause is weather, equipment failure, etc.
Note: At present, this is a free string text; it could be replaced with an enumeration in the future.


Type: enum (of string)

Defines if the outage has been verified or is only estimated

Must be one of:

  • "OutageStatusKind.predicted"
  • "OutageStatusKind.closed"
  • "OutageStatusKind.confirmed"
  • "OutageStatusKind.restored"
  • "OutageStatusKind.partiallyRestored"


Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.


Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.


Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.