Hash table of Location objects
No Additional PropertiesAll properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions
Property name regular expression:^.+$
The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more position points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system.
No Additional PropertiesArray of PositionPoint objects
No Additional ItemsSet of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in the coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to describe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values).
No Additional Properties(if applicable) Z axis position.
Zero-relative sequence number of this group within a series of points; used when there is a need to express disjoint groups of points that are considered to be part of a single location.
Y axis position.
Zero-relative sequence number of this point within a series of points.
X axis position.
Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.
Pointer to CoordinateSystem object
Must match regular expression:^CoordinateSystem::'(.+)'$
The names of streets at the nearest intersection to work area.
Remarks about this location.
Name of building where location is.
(if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the subdivision in which work is to occur.
Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
Status of this location.
Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.
Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.
Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.
Date and time for which status 'value' applies.
Method for the service person to access this usage point location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured.
Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work at this location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc.
Electronic address.
World wide web address.
User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc.
MAC (Media Access Control) address.
Password needed to log in.
Alternate email address.
Address on local area network.
Primary email address.
Radio address.
Number of building where location is.
Phone number.
Main (local) part of this telephone number.
(if applicable) Prefix used when calling an international number.
Phone number according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) E.164.
City code.
(if applicable) Extension for this telephone number.
Country code.
(if applicable) Area or region code.
(if applicable) Dial out code, for instance to call outside an enterprise.
The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
Classification by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location).
Secondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'.
Town detail.
Name of the state or province.
Town code.
Name of the country.
Town name.
Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township.
Street detail.
(if applicable) Third line of a free form address.
Number of the apartment or suite.
The identification by name or number, expressed as text, of the floor in the building as part of this address.
First line of a free form address or some additional address information (for example a mail stop).
(if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc.
True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default).
(if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets.
Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.
Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc.
Name of the street.
(if applicable) Second line of a free form address.
Designator of the specific location on the street.
Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.
Status of this address.
Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.
Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.
Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.
Date and time for which status 'value' applies.
The language in which the address is specified, using ISO 639-1 two digit language code.
Postal code for the address.
Post office box.
Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work on this location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc.
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.
Room number of location.
(if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the lot in which work is to occur.
True if inspection is needed of facilities at this service location. This could be requested by a customer, due to suspected tampering, environmental concerns (e.g., a fire in the vicinity), or to correct incompatible data.
(if applicable) Direction that allows field crews to quickly find a given asset. For a given location, such as a street address, this is the relative direction in which to find the asset. For example, a streetlight may be located at the 'NW' (northwest) corner of the customer's site, or a usage point may be located on the second floor of an apartment building.
Kind of this zone.
(if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility.
(if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the block in which work is to occur.
Additional phone number.
Main (local) part of this telephone number.
(if applicable) Prefix used when calling an international number.
Phone number according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) E.164.
City code.
(if applicable) Extension for this telephone number.
Country code.
(if applicable) Area or region code.
(if applicable) Dial out code, for instance to call outside an enterprise.
Method for the service person to access this service location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured.
Main address of the location.
Town detail.
Name of the state or province.
Town code.
Name of the country.
Town name.
Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township.
Street detail.
(if applicable) Third line of a free form address.
Number of the apartment or suite.
The identification by name or number, expressed as text, of the floor in the building as part of this address.
First line of a free form address or some additional address information (for example a mail stop).
(if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc.
True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default).
(if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets.
Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.
Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc.
Name of the street.
(if applicable) Second line of a free form address.
Designator of the specific location on the street.
Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.
Status of this address.
Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.
Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.
Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.
Date and time for which status 'value' applies.
The language in which the address is specified, using ISO 639-1 two digit language code.
Postal code for the address.
Post office box.
Floor of location.
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.