Pointer to Equipment object
Pointer to Equipment object
Must match regular expression:^Equipment::'(.+)'$
Pointer to EnergyConsumer object
Must match regular expression:^EnergyConsumer::'(.+)'$
Pointer to EnergySource object
Must match regular expression:^EnergySource::'(.+)'$
Pointer to EnergySource object
Must match regular expression:^EnergySource::'(.+)'$
Pointer to ACLineSegment object
Must match regular expression:^ACLineSegment::'(.+)'$
Pointer to SeriesCompensator object
Must match regular expression:^SeriesCompensator::'(.+)'$
Pointer to Switch object
Must match regular expression:^Switch::'(.+)'$
Pointer to PowerTransformer object
Must match regular expression:^PowerTransformer::'(.+)'$