Inherent capabilities of an end device (i.e., the functions it supports).
True if on request read function is supported.
True if connect and disconnect function is supported.
True if reverse flow function is supported.
True if device produces pulse outputs.
True if electric metering function is supported.
True if pricing information is supported.
True if relays programming function is supported.
True if water metering function is supported.
True if outage history function is supported.
True if communication function is supported.
True if device performs pressure compensation for metered quantities.
True if gas metering function is supported.
True if metrology function is supported.
True if device performs temperature compensation for metered quantities.
True if autonomous DST (daylight saving time) function is supported.
True if device performs super compressibility compensation for metered quantities.
True if demand response function is supported.
True if the displaying of text messages is supported.