Hash table of Asset objects
No Additional PropertiesAll properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions
Property name regular expression:^.+$
Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, various end devices, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role.
No Additional PropertiesIf true, there is no physical device. As an example, a virtual meter can be defined to aggregate the consumption for two or more physical meters. Otherwise, this is a physical hardware device.
Automated meter reading (AMR) system communicating with this com module.
Current lifecycle state of asset.
If true, this is a premises area network (PAN) device.
Material used to fill the joint.
Date sealing warranty expires.
Indication of whether asset is currently deployed (in use), ready to be put into use or not available for use.
Kind of this facility.
Pole species. Aluminum, Aluminum Davit, Concrete, Fiberglass, Galvanized Davit, Galvanized, Steel Davit Primed, Steel Davit, Steel Standard Primed, Steel, Truncated, Wood-Treated, Wood-Hard, Wood-Salt Treated, Wood-Soft, Wood, Other, Unknown.
If true, there is a communicating inverter present.
(if applicable) Date the tool was last calibrated.
Condition of asset at last baseline. Examples include new, rebuilt, overhaul required, other. Refer to inspection data for information on the most current condition of the asset.
In use dates for this asset.
Date of most recent asset transition to ready for use state.
Date asset was most recently put in use.
Date of most recent asset transition to not ready for use state.
Date fumigant was last applied.
Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this end device.
Construction structure on the tower.
Configuration of joint.
Material this structure is made of.
Size of this support structure.
Diameter of the pole.
Meter form designation per ANSI C12.10 or other applicable standard. An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement.
Date weed were last removed.
Lamp kind.
Status of this asset.
Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.
Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.
Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.
Date and time for which status 'value' applies.
Lot number for this asset. Even for the same model and version number, many assets are manufactured in lots.
Reason asset retired.
Kind of asset. Used in description of asset components in asset instance templates.
Length of arm. Note that a new light may be placed on an existing arm.
Length of this support structure.
True if vault is ventilating.
Visible height of structure above ground level for overhead construction (e.g., Pole or Tower) or below ground level for an underground vault, manhole, etc. Refer to associated DimensionPropertiesInfo for other types of dimensions.
True if a block of material has been attached to base of pole in ground for stability. This technique is used primarily when anchors can not be used.
Direction of this support structure.
(if anchor) Number of rods used.
Number of circuits in duct bank. Refer to associations between a duct (ConductorAsset) and an ACLineSegment to understand which circuits are in which ducts.
Name of fumigant.
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
Pole class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1, H2, Other, Unknown.
Kind of usage of the vehicle.
Joint pole agreement reference number.
Length of the pole (inclusive of any section of the pole that may be underground post-installation).
Power rating of light.
A code used to specify the connection category, e.g. low voltage, where the meter operates.
If true, autonomous daylight saving time (DST) function is supported.
Kind of base for this pole.
True if vault is ventilating.
Serial number of this asset.
The type of insulation around the joint, classified according to the utility's asset management standards and practices.
Kind of preservative for this pole.
The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.
Automated meter reading (AMR) or other communication system responsible for communications to this end device.
True if weeds are to be removed around asset.
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.
Uniquely tracked commodity (UTC) number.
Used in RAVENS Schema to identify the corresponding CIM Object Type of the JSON object.
Kind of structure support.
Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this com module.
True if asset is considered critical for some reason (for example, a pole with critical attachments).
Maximum rated voltage of the equipment that can be mounted on/contained within the structure.
The framing structure mounted on the pole.
Information on acceptance test.
Type of test or group of tests that was conducted on 'dateTime'.
Date and time the asset was last tested using the 'type' of test and yielding the current status in 'success' attribute.
True if asset has passed acceptance test and may be placed in or is in service. It is set to false if asset is removed from service and is required to be tested again before being placed back in service, possibly in a new location. Since asset may go through multiple tests during its lifecycle, the date of each acceptance test may be recorded in 'Asset.ActivityRecord.status.dateTime'.
<was lifecycle>
Lifecycle dates for this asset.
Date the asset was manufactured.
Date current installation was completed, which may not be the same as the in-service date. Asset may have been installed at other locations previously. Ignored if asset is (1) not currently installed (e.g., stored in a depot) or (2) not intended to be installed (e.g., vehicle, tool).
Date when the asset was last removed from service. Ignored if (1) not intended to be in service, or (2) currently in service.
Date the asset is permanently retired from service and may be scheduled for disposal. Ignored if asset is (1) currently in service, or (2) permanently removed from service.
Date the asset was received and first placed into inventory.
Date the asset was purchased. Note that even though an asset may have been purchased, it may not have been received into inventory at the time of purchase.
(if anchor) Kind of anchor.
Kind of treatment for this pole.
Electronic address.
World wide web address.
User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc.
MAC (Media Access Control) address.
Password needed to log in.
Alternate email address.
Address on local area network.
Primary email address.
Radio address.
(if anchor) Length of rod used.
Installation code.
Purchase price of asset.
Kind of FACTS device.
Date and time pole was last treated with preservative.
Utility-specific classification of Asset and its subtypes, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).
Percentage of initial life expectancy that has been lost as of the last life expectancy baseline. Represents
(initial life expectancy - current life expectancy) / initial life expectancy.
Normally 0 to 100 on a defined base.
Position of asset or asset component. May often be in relation to other assets or components.
Date and time the last odometer reading was recorded.
Odometer reading of this vehicle as of the 'odometerReadingDateTime'. Refer to associated ActivityRecords for earlier readings.
Primary material of underground structure.