
Type: object

A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, an equipment container containing many individual items of equipment such as a substation, or an organisational entity such as sub-control area. Power system resources can have measurements associated.

Type: object

The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical.

Type: object

The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected through terminals.

Type: object

A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model.

Type: object

A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network.

Type: object

A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses power electronics rather than rotating machines.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Type: boolean

The connected status is related to a bus-branch model and the topological node to terminal relation. True implies the terminal is connected to the related topological node and false implies it is not.
In a bus-branch model, the connected status is used to tell if equipment is disconnected without having to change the connectivity described by the topological node to terminal relation. A valid case is that conducting equipment can be connected in one end and open in the other. In particular for an AC line segment, where the reactive line charging can be significant, this is a relevant case.

Type: enum (of string)

Represents the normal network phasing condition. If the attribute is missing, three phases (ABC) shall be assumed, except for terminals of grounding classes (specializations of EarthFaultCompensator, GroundDisconnector, and Ground) which will be assumed to be N. Therefore, phase code ABCN is explicitly declared when needed, e.g. for star point grounding equipment.
The phase code on terminals connecting same ConnectivityNode or same TopologicalNode as well as for equipment between two terminals shall be consistent.

Must be one of:

  • "ABCN"
  • "ABC"
  • "ABN"
  • "ACN"
  • "BCN"
  • "AB"
  • "AC"
  • "BC"
  • "AN"
  • "BN"
  • "CN"
  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "N"
  • "s1N"
  • "s2N"
  • "s12N"
  • "s1"
  • "s2"
  • "s12"
  • "none"
  • "X"
  • "XY"
  • "XN"
  • "XYN"

Type: integer

The orientation of the terminal connections for a multiple terminal conducting equipment. The sequence numbering starts with 1 and additional terminals should follow in increasing order. The first terminal is the "starting point" for a two terminal branch.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A generating unit or battery or aggregation that connects to the AC network using power electronics rather than rotating machines.

Type: object

An electrochemical energy storage device.

Type: object


Type: enum (of string)


Must be one of:

  • "constantPFixedV"
  • "constantAdmittance"
  • "constantPConstantQCurrentLimited"
  • "constantPF"
  • "constantPFixedQ"
  • "constantPFixedQConstantReactance"

Type: object or number

Full energy storage capacity of the battery. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Type: enum (of string) Default: "none"


Must be one of:

  • "p"
  • "n"
  • "micro"
  • "m"
  • "c"
  • "d"
  • "k"
  • "M"
  • "G"
  • "T"
  • "none"
  • "y"
  • "z"
  • "a"
  • "f"
  • "da"
  • "h"
  • "P"
  • "E"
  • "Z"
  • "Y"

Type: enum (of string) Default: "Wh"


Must be one of:

  • "none"
  • "m"
  • "kg"
  • "s"
  • "A"
  • "K"
  • "mol"
  • "cd"
  • "deg"
  • "rad"
  • "sr"
  • "Gy"
  • "Bq"
  • "degC"
  • "Sv"
  • "F"
  • "C"
  • "S"
  • "H"
  • "V"
  • "ohm"
  • "J"
  • "N"
  • "Hz"
  • "lx"
  • "lm"
  • "Wb"
  • "T"
  • "W"
  • "Pa"
  • "m2"
  • "m3"
  • "mPers"
  • "mPers2"
  • "m3Pers"
  • "mPerm3"
  • "kgm"
  • "kgPerm3"
  • "WPermK"
  • "JPerK"
  • "ppm"
  • "rotPers"
  • "radPers"
  • "VA"
  • "VAr"
  • "cosPhi"
  • "Vs"
  • "V2"
  • "As"
  • "A2"
  • "A2s"
  • "VAh"
  • "Wh"
  • "VArh"
  • "VPerHz"
  • "HzPers"
  • "character"
  • "charPers"
  • "kgm2"
  • "dB"
  • "WPers"
  • "lPers"
  • "dBm"
  • "h"
  • "min"
  • "Q"
  • "Qh"
  • "ohmm"
  • "APerm"
  • "V2h"
  • "A2h"
  • "Ah"
  • "count"
  • "ft3"
  • "m3Perh"
  • "gal"
  • "Btu"
  • "l"
  • "lPerh"
  • "lPerl"
  • "gPerg"
  • "molPerm3"
  • "molPermol"
  • "molPerkg"
  • "sPers"
  • "HzPerHz"
  • "VPerV"
  • "APerA"
  • "VPerVA"
  • "rev"
  • "kat"
  • "JPerkg"
  • "m3Uncompensated"
  • "m3Compensated"
  • "WPerW"
  • "therm"
  • "onePerm"
  • "m3Perkg"
  • "Pas"
  • "Nm"
  • "NPerm"
  • "radPers2"
  • "WPerm2"
  • "JPerkgK"
  • "JPerm3"
  • "VPerm"
  • "CPerm3"
  • "CPerm2"
  • "FPerm"
  • "HPerm"
  • "JPermol"
  • "JPermolK"
  • "CPerkg"
  • "GyPers"
  • "WPersr"
  • "WPerm2sr"
  • "katPerm3"
  • "d"
  • "anglemin"
  • "anglesec"
  • "ha"
  • "tonne"
  • "bar"
  • "mmHg"
  • "M"
  • "kn"
  • "Vh"
  • "Mx"
  • "G"
  • "Oe"
  • "WPerA"
  • "SPerm"
  • "onePerHz"
  • "VPerVAr"
  • "ohmPerm"
  • "kgPerJ"
  • "JPers"
  • "m2Pers"
  • "JPerm2"
  • "KPers"
  • "PaPers"

Type: object or number

Amount of energy currently stored. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero and lower than BatteryUnit.ratedE.

Same definition as BatteryUnit.ratedE

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: enum (of string)

The current state of the battery (charging, full, etc.).

Must be one of:

  • "discharging"
  • "waiting"
  • "full"
  • "empty"
  • "charging"

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: object

A photovoltaic device or an aggregation of such devices.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: object

A wind generating unit that connects to the AC network with power electronics rather than rotating machines or an aggregation of such units.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: array

A single phase of a power electronics connection.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A single phase of a power electronics connection.

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this energy producer component. If the energy producer is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy producer is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy producer connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.

Must be one of:

  • "A"
  • "B"
  • "C"
  • "N"
  • "s1"
  • "s2"

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

State variable for status.

Type: boolean

The in service status as a result of topology processing. It indicates if the equipment is considered as energized by the power flow. It reflects if the equipment is connected within a solvable island. It does not necessarily reflect whether or not the island was solved by the power flow.

Type: enum (of string)

The individual phase status. If the attribute is unspecified, then three phase model is assumed.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Minimum reactive power limit for the unit. This is the minimum (nameplate) limit for the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Rated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power. The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: enum (of string)

SVC control mode.

Must be one of:

  • "reactivePower"
  • "voltage"

Type: object or number

The reactive power output of the SVC is proportional to the difference between the voltage at the regulated bus and the voltage setpoint. When the regulated bus voltage is equal to the voltage setpoint, the reactive power output is zero.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: object or number

Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

Capacitive reactance at maximum capacitive reactive power. Shall always be positive.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Inductive reactance at maximum inductive reactive power. Shall always be negative.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

The characteristics slope of an SVC defines how the reactive power output changes in proportion to the difference between the regulated bus voltage and the voltage setpoint.
The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: object

This class represents the external network and it is used for IEC 60909 calculations.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object or number

Power Frequency Bias. This is the change in power injection divided by the change in frequency and negated. A positive value of the power frequency bias provides additional power injection upon a drop in frequency.

Type: boolean

Indicates whether initial symmetrical short-circuit current and power have been calculated according to IEC (Ik"). Used only if short circuit calculations are done according to superposition method.

Type: object or number

Maximum reactive power limit. It is used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange and not for short circuit modelling.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: number

Maximum ratio of zero sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its zero sequence reactance (R(0)/X(0) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: number

Maximum ratio of positive sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its positive sequence reactance (R(1)/X(1) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: number

Maximum ratio of zero sequence impedance to its positive sequence impedance (Z(0)/Z(1) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Minimum initial symmetrical short-circuit currents (Ik" min) in A (Ik" = Sk"/(SQRT(3) Un)). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Minimum reactive power limit. It is used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange and not for short circuit modelling.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: number

Indicates whether initial symmetrical short-circuit current and power have been calculated according to IEC (Ik"). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 6090.

Type: number

Minimum ratio of positive sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its positive sequence reactance (R(1)/X(1) min). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: number

Minimum ratio of zero sequence impedance to its positive sequence impedance (Z(0)/Z(1) min). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: integer

Priority of unit for use as powerflow voltage phase angle reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.

Type: object or number

Voltage factor in pu, which was used to calculate short-circuit current Ik" and power Sk". Used only if short circuit calculations are done according to superposition method.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.maxIFault

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: object or number

Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances. One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

The maximum active power on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The minimum active power on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object

A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors. A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for bPerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: number

Shunt compensator sections in use. Starting value for steady state solution. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete shunt compensators has yet been designed, a solutions where a narrow voltage band force the sections to oscillate or accommodate for a continuous solution as input.
For LinearShuntConpensator the value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensatorPhase.maximumSections. At value zero the shunt compensator conductance and admittance is zero. Linear interpolation of conductance and admittance between the previous and next integer section is applied in case of non-integer values.
For NonlinearShuntCompensator-s shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint-s.

Type: integer

For the capacitor phase, the normal number of sections switched in. The value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensatorPhase.maximumSections.

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this shunt compensator component. If the shunt compensator is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the shunt compensator is delta connected, the phase indicates a shunt compensator connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator.

Type: number

The number of sections in service as a continuous variable. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. To get integer value scale with ShuntCompensator.bPerSection.

Type: enum (of string)

The terminal phase at which the connection is applied. If missing, the injection is assumed to be balanced among non-neutral phases.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: number

Shunt compensator sections in use. Starting value for steady state solution. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete shunt compensators has yet been designed, a solutions where a narrow voltage band force the sections to oscillate or accommodate for a continuous solution as input.
For LinearShuntConpensator the value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensator.maximumSections. At value zero the shunt compensator conductance and admittance is zero. Linear interpolation of conductance and admittance between the previous and next integer section is applied in case of non-integer values.
For NonlinearShuntCompensator-s shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint-s.

Type: object or number

An automatic voltage regulation delay (AVRDelay) which is the time delay from a change in voltage to when the capacitor is allowed to change state. This filters out temporary changes in voltage.

Type: boolean

Used for Yn and Zn connections. True if the neutral is solidly grounded.

Type: integer

The maximum number of sections that may be switched in.

Type: object or number

The voltage at which the nominal reactive power may be calculated. This should normally be within 10% of the voltage at which the capacitor is connected to the network.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: integer

The normal number of sections switched in. The value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensator.maximumSections.

Type: enum (of string)

The type of phase connection, such as wye or delta.

Must be one of:

  • "D"
  • "Y"
  • "Yn"
  • "I"
  • "G"

Type: integer

The switch on count since the capacitor count was last reset or initialized.

Type: string

The date and time when the capacitor bank was last switched on.

Type: object or number

Voltage sensitivity required for the device to regulate the bus voltage, in voltage/reactive power.

Same definition as StaticVarCompensator.slope

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object

A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set.

Type: object

A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan).

Type: object

The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: array

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: object or number

Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute).
The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: number

Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: number

Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).

Type: object or number

The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be raised by control actions.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object

The initial startup cost incurred for each start of the GeneratingUnit.

Type: enum (of string) Default: null


Must be one of:

  • "AUD"
  • "CHF"
  • "AFN"
  • "AED"
  • "ALL"
  • "AMD"
  • "ANG"
  • "AOA"
  • "ARS"
  • "AWG"
  • "AZN"
  • "BAM"
  • "BBD"
  • "BDT"
  • "BGN"
  • "BHD"
  • "BIF"
  • "BMD"
  • "BND"
  • "BOB"
  • "BOV"
  • "BRL"
  • "BSD"
  • "BTN"
  • "BWP"
  • "BYR"
  • "BZD"
  • "CAD"
  • "CDF"
  • "CLF"
  • "CLP"
  • "CNY"
  • "ZAR"
  • "COP"
  • "COU"
  • "CRC"
  • "CUC"
  • "CUP"
  • "CVE"
  • "CZK"
  • "DJF"
  • "DKK"
  • "DOP"
  • "DZD"
  • "EEK"
  • "EGP"
  • "ERN"
  • "ETB"
  • "EUR"
  • "FJD"
  • "FKP"
  • "GBP"
  • "GEL"
  • "GHS"
  • "GIP"
  • "GMD"
  • "GNF"
  • "GTQ"
  • "GYD"
  • "HKD"
  • "HNL"
  • "HRK"
  • "HTG"
  • "HUF"
  • "IDR"
  • "ILS"
  • "INR"
  • "IQD"
  • "IRR"
  • "ISK"
  • "JMD"
  • "JOD"
  • "JPY"
  • "KES"
  • "KGS"
  • "KHR"
  • "KMF"
  • "KPW"
  • "KRW"
  • "KWD"
  • "KYD"
  • "KZT"
  • "LAK"
  • "LBP"
  • "LKR"
  • "LRD"
  • "LSL"
  • "LTL"
  • "LVL"
  • "LYD"
  • "MAD"
  • "MDL"
  • "MGA"
  • "MKD"
  • "MMK"
  • "MNT"
  • "MOP"
  • "MRO"
  • "MUR"
  • "MVR"
  • "MWK"
  • "MXN"
  • "MYR"
  • "MZN"
  • "NAD"
  • "NGN"
  • "NIO"
  • "NOK"
  • "NPR"
  • "NZD"
  • "OMR"
  • "PAB"
  • "PEN"
  • "PGK"
  • "PHP"
  • "PKR"
  • "PLN"
  • "PYG"
  • "QAR"
  • "RON"
  • "RSD"
  • "RUB"
  • "RWF"
  • "SAR"
  • "SBD"
  • "SCR"
  • "SDG"
  • "SEK"
  • "SGD"
  • "SHP"
  • "SLL"
  • "SOS"
  • "SRD"
  • "STD"
  • "SYP"
  • "SZL"
  • "THB"
  • "TJS"
  • "TMT"
  • "TND"
  • "TOP"
  • "TRY"
  • "TTD"
  • "TWD"
  • "TZS"
  • "UAH"
  • "UGX"
  • "USD"
  • "UYU"
  • "UZS"
  • "VEF"
  • "VND"
  • "VUV"
  • "WST"
  • "XAF"
  • "XCD"
  • "XOF"
  • "XPF"
  • "YER"
  • "ZMK"
  • "ZWL"

Type: object or number

Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: enum (of string)

Energy conversion capability for generating.

Must be one of:

  • "generator"
  • "pumpAndGenerator"

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: enum (of string)

The source of controls for a generating unit. Defines the control status of the generating unit.

Must be one of:

  • "unavailable"
  • "offAGC"
  • "onAGC"
  • "plantControl"
Type: object

A solar thermal generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine. This class does not represent photovoltaic (PV) generation.

Type: object

The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.GenUnitOpSchedule

Type: array

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

Same definition as GenUnitOpCostCurve

Type: object or number

Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be lowered by control actions.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute).
The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: number

Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: number

Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).

Type: object or number

The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be raised by control actions.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: object

A nuclear generating unit.

Type: object

The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.GenUnitOpSchedule

Type: array

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

Same definition as GenUnitOpCostCurve

Type: object or number

Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute).
The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: number

Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: number

Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).

Type: object or number

The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: object

A wind driven generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine. May be used to represent a single turbine or an aggregation.

Type: object

The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.GenUnitOpSchedule

Type: array

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

Same definition as GenUnitOpCostCurve

Type: object or number

Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be lowered by control actions.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute).
The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: number

Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: number

Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).

Type: object or number

The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be raised by control actions.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: object or number

The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: object

A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine.

Type: object

The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.GenUnitOpSchedule

Type: array

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.

Same definition as GenUnitOpCostCurve

Type: object or number

Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute).
The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: number

Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: number

Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).

Type: object or number

The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.

Same definition as GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: object or number

Steady-state short-circuit current (in A for the profile) of generator with compound excitation during 3-phase short circuit.
- Ikk=0: Generator with no compound excitation.
- Ikk<>0: Generator with compound excitation.
Ikk is used to calculate the minimum steady-state short-circuit current for generators with compound excitation.
( in IEC 60909-0:2001).
Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: object or number

Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: number

Factor to calculate the breaking current (Section in IEC 60909-0).
Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator (Section in IEC 60909-0).

Type: enum (of string)

Current mode of operation.

Must be one of:

  • "generator"
  • "condenser"
  • "motor"

Type: object or number

Part of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine. The attribute is used as a participation factor not necessarily summing up to 100% for the participating devices in the control.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: integer

Priority of unit for use as powerflow voltage phase angle reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.

Type: object or number

Direct-axes saturated synchronous reactance (xdsat); reciprocal of short-circuit ration. Used for short circuit data exchange, only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.maxIFault

Type: object or number

Saturated Direct-axis transient reactance. The attribute is primarily used for short circuit calculations according to ANSI.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.maxIFault

Type: enum (of string)

Type of rotor, used by short circuit applications, only for single fed short circuit according to IEC 60909.

Must be one of:

  • "salientPole1"
  • "salientPole2"
  • "turboSeries1"
  • "turboSeries2"

Type: boolean

Indicates whether the machine is a converter fed drive. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Efficiency of the asynchronous machine at nominal operation as a percentage. Indicator for converter drive motors. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: number

Ratio of locked-rotor current to the rated current of the motor (Ia/Ir). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: enum (of string)

Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in.

Must be one of:

  • "generator"
  • "condenser"
  • "generatorOrCondenser"
  • "motor"
  • "generatorOrMotor"
  • "motorOrCondenser"
  • "generatorOrCondenserOrMotor"

Type: object or number

Range of generator voltage regulation (PG in IEC 60909-0) used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KG defined in IEC 60909-0.
This attribute is used to describe the operating voltage of the generating unit.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: integer

Number of pole pairs of stator. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Rated mechanical power (Pr in IEC 60909-0). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: boolean

Indicates for converter drive motors if the power can be reversible. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: number

Locked rotor ratio (R/X). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Transient reactance (unsaturated) (greater than or equal to xpp).

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: number

Power factor (nameplate data). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. The attribute cannot be a negative value.

Type: object or number

Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit.
The attribute shall have a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedS

Type: object or number

Rated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: enum (of string)

Indicates the type of Asynchronous Machine (motor or generator).

Must be one of:

  • "generator"
  • "motor"

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: object or number

Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: object or number

Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: enum (of string)

Method of cooling the machine.

Must be one of:

  • "air"
  • "hydrogenGas"
  • "water"

Type: boolean

Indicates whether or not the generator is earthed. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Generator star point earthing resistance (Re). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Generator star point earthing reactance (Xe). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object

Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model.
EnergyConsumer.pfixed, .qfixed, .pfixedPct and .qfixedPct have meaning only if there is no LoadResponseCharacteristic associated with EnergyConsumer or if LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is set to False.

Type: object

ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object

Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. It is not related to demand response.
If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the exponential voltage or frequency dependent models are specified and used as to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model.
The equations to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model are internal to the power flow calculation, hence they use different quantities depending on the use case of the data exchange.
The equations for exponential voltage dependent load model injected power are:
pInjection= Pnominal* (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) * cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent
qInjection= Qnominal
(Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) * cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent
1) * means "multiply" and *
is "raised to power of";
2) Pnominal and Qnominal represent the active power and reactive power at nominal voltage as any load described by the voltage exponential model shall be given at nominal voltage. This means that EnergyConsumer.p and EnergyConsumer.q are at nominal voltage.
3) After power flow is solved:
-pInjection and qInjection correspond to SvPowerflow.p and SvPowerflow.q respectively.
- Voltage corresponds to SvVoltage.v at the TopologicalNode where the load is connected.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: boolean

Indicates the exponential voltage dependency model is to be used. If false, the coefficient model is to be used.
The exponential voltage dependency model consist of the attributes:
- pVoltageExponent
- qVoltageExponent
- pFrequencyExponent
- qFrequencyExponent.
The coefficient model consist of the attributes:
- pConstantImpedance
- pConstantCurrent
- pConstantPower
- qConstantImpedance
- qConstantCurrent
- qConstantPower.
The sum of pConstantImpedance, pConstantCurrent and pConstantPower shall equal 1.
The sum of qConstantImpedance, qConstantCurrent and qConstantPower shall equal 1.

Type: array

A single phase of an energy consumer.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A single phase of an energy consumer.

Type: object or number

Active power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Fixed active power as per cent of load group fixed active power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this energy consumer component. If the energy consumer is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy consumer is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy consumer connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Fixed reactive power as per cent of load group fixed reactive power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object or number

Active power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: integer

Number of individual customers represented by this demand.

Type: boolean

Used for Yn and Zn connections. True if the neutral is solidly grounded.

Type: object or number

Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Fixed active power as a percentage of load group fixed active power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Fixed reactive power as a percentage of load group fixed reactive power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

NonConformLoad represents loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and whose changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object

Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. It is not related to demand response.
If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the exponential voltage or frequency dependent models are specified and used as to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model.
The equations to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model are internal to the power flow calculation, hence they use different quantities depending on the use case of the data exchange.
The equations for exponential voltage dependent load model injected power are:
pInjection= Pnominal* (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) * cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent
qInjection= Qnominal
(Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) * cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent
1) * means "multiply" and *
is "raised to power of";
2) Pnominal and Qnominal represent the active power and reactive power at nominal voltage as any load described by the voltage exponential model shall be given at nominal voltage. This means that EnergyConsumer.p and EnergyConsumer.q are at nominal voltage.
3) After power flow is solved:
-pInjection and qInjection correspond to SvPowerflow.p and SvPowerflow.q respectively.
- Voltage corresponds to SvVoltage.v at the TopologicalNode where the load is connected.

Same definition as EnergyConsumer.LoadResponseCharacteristic

Type: object or number

Active power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage.
Starting value for a steady state solution.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: integer

Number of individual customers represented by this demand.

Type: boolean

Used for Yn and Zn connections. True if the neutral is solidly grounded.

Type: object or number

Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Fixed active power as a percentage of load group fixed active power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Fixed reactive power as a percentage of load group fixed reactive power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

Represents the single phase information of an unbalanced energy source.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Represents the single phase information of an unbalanced energy source.

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this energy source component. If the energy source wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy source is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy source connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

This is the minimum active power that can be produced by the source. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

This is the maximum active power that can be produced by the source. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

High voltage source reactive injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

High voltage source active injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Phase angle of a-phase open circuit used when voltage characteristics need to be imposed at the node associated with the terminal of the energy source, such as when voltages and angles from the transmission level are used as input to the distribution network. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: object or number

Phase-to-phase open circuit voltage magnitude used when voltage characteristics need to be imposed at the node associated with the terminal of the energy source, such as when voltages and angles from the transmission level are used as input to the distribution network. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, essential protective and switching devices, DC storage capacitors, phase reactors and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.

Type: object

DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC).

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

The maximum current through a valve. It is converter’s configuration data.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Active power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

Minimum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: object or number

Rated converter DC voltage, also called UdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. For instance a bipolar HVDC link with value 200 kV has a 400kV difference between the dc lines.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: enum (of string)

Kind of control of real power and/or DC voltage.

Must be one of:

  • "pPcc"
  • "udc"
  • "pPccAndUdcDroop"
  • "pPccAndUdcDroopWithCompensation"
  • "pPccAndUdcDroopPilot"
  • "phasePcc"

Type: object or number

Base apparent power of the converter pole. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedS

Type: object or number

Switching losses, relative to the base apparent power 'baseS'. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

Reactive power sharing factor among parallel converters on Uac control. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

Real power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Target value for DC voltage magnitude. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Voltage target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Compensation constant. Used to compensate for voltage drop when controlling voltage at a distant bus. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Droop constant. The pu value is obtained as D [kV/MW] x Sb / Ubdc. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.maxIFault

Type: number

The maximum quotient between the AC converter voltage (Uc) and DC voltage (Ud). A factor typically less than 1. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow.

Type: enum (of string)

Kind of reactive power control.

Must be one of:

  • "reactivePcc"
  • "voltagePcc"
  • "powerFactorPcc"
  • "pulseWidthModulation"

Type: object or number

Valve threshold voltage, also called Uvalve. Forward voltage drop when the valve is conducting. Used in loss calculations, i.e. the switchLoss depend on numberOfValves * valveU0.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Angle between VsConverter.uv and ACDCConverter.uc. It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

Type: object or number

Converter DC current, also called Id. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Active power loss in pole at no power transfer. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: integer

Number of valves in the converter. Used in loss calculations.

Type: object or number

The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: number

Power factor target at the AC side, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Type: object or number

Phase target at AC side, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: number

Magnitude of pulse-modulation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Type: object or number

The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The active power loss at a DC Pole
= idleLoss + switchingLoss|Idc| + resitiveLossIdc^2.
For lossless operation Pdc=Pac.
For rectifier operation with losses Pdc=Pac-lossP.
For inverter operation with losses Pdc=Pac+lossP.
It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Maximum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Line-to-line converter voltage, the voltage at the AC side of the valve. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Converter voltage at the DC side, also called Ud. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Line-to-line voltage on the valve side of the converter transformer. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

DC side of the current source converter (CSC).
The firing angle controls the dc voltage at the converter, both for rectifier and inverter. The difference between the dc voltages of the rectifier and inverter determines the dc current. The extinction angle is used to limit the dc voltage at the inverter, if needed, and is not used in active power control. The firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filters are the primary means to control a current source dc line. Higher level controls are built on top, e.g. dc voltage, dc current and active power. From a steady state perspective it is sufficient to specify the wanted active power transfer (ACDCConverter.targetPpcc) and the control functions will set the dc voltage, dc current, firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filters to meet this. Therefore attributes targetAlpha and targetGamma are not applicable in this case.
The reactive power consumed by the converter is a function of the firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filter, which can be approximated with half of the active power. The losses is a function of the dc voltage and dc current.
The attributes minAlpha and maxAlpha define the range of firing angles for rectifier operation between which no discrete tap changer action takes place. The range is typically 10-18 degrees.
The attributes minGamma and maxGamma define the range of extinction angles for inverter operation between which no discrete tap changer action takes place. The range is typically 17-20 degrees.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

Firing angle that determines the dc voltage at the converter dc terminal. Typical value between 10 degrees and 18 degrees for a rectifier. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Extinction angle. It is used to limit the dc voltage at the inverter if needed. Typical value between 17 degrees and 20 degrees for an inverter. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Maximum firing angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Maximum extinction angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Minimum firing angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Minimum extinction angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Target firing angle. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. It is only applicable for rectifier if continuous tap changer control is used. Allowed values are within the range minAlpha<=targetAlpha<=maxAlpha. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

Target extinction angle. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. It is only applicable for inverter if continuous tap changer control is used. Allowed values are within the range minGamma<=targetGamma<=maxGamma. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

DC current target value. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

The minimum direct current (Id) on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: enum (of string)

Indicates whether the DC pole is operating as an inverter or as a rectifier. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow.

Must be one of:

  • "inverter"
  • "rectifier"

Type: object or number

Active power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Reactive power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

Minimum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: object or number

Base apparent power of the converter pole. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedS

Type: object or number

Switching losses, relative to the base apparent power 'baseS'. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ACDCConverter.switchingLoss

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

Real power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Target value for DC voltage magnitude. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Valve threshold voltage, also called Uvalve. Forward voltage drop when the valve is conducting. Used in loss calculations, i.e. the switchLoss depend on numberOfValves * valveU0.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: integer

Number of valves in the converter. Used in loss calculations.

Type: object or number

Converter DC current, also called Id. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Active power loss in pole at no power transfer. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

The maximum direct current (Id) on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data use in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The active power loss at a DC Pole
= idleLoss + switchingLoss|Idc| + resitiveLossIdc^2.
For lossless operation Pdc=Pac.
For rectifier operation with losses Pdc=Pac-lossP.
For inverter operation with losses Pdc=Pac+lossP.
It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Rated converter DC current, also called IdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

Rated converter DC voltage, also called UdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. For instance a bipolar HVDC link with value 200 kV has a 400kV difference between the dc lines.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Maximum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Line-to-line converter voltage, the voltage at the AC side of the valve. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Converter voltage at the DC side, also called Ud. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: enum (of string)

Kind of active power control.

Must be one of:

  • "activePower"
  • "dcVoltage"
  • "dcCurrent"

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction. The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types.

Type: object

This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the point of connection.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

Maximum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Minimum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: object or number

Positive sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Zero sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Negative sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: boolean

Specifies whether or not the EquivalentInjection has the capability to regulate the local voltage. If true the EquivalentInjection can regulate. If false the EquivalentInjection cannot regulate. ReactiveCapabilityCurve can only be associated with EquivalentInjection if the flag is true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the EquivalentInjection. True is regulating. False is not regulating.

Type: object or number

The target voltage for voltage regulation. The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

Positive sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Zero sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Negative sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909).
Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

Equivalent active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsUnit.maxP

Type: object or number

Equivalent reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for steady state solutions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.q

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

The class represents equivalent branches. In cases where a transformer phase shift is modelled and the EquivalentBranch is spanning the same nodes, the impedance quantities for the EquivalentBranch shall consider the needed phase shift.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2 . Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series resistance of the reduced branch.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1 .Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represent unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.r is given, then EquivalentBranch.r21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.r.
Usage rule : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series reactance of the reduced branch.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represents an unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.x is given, then EquivalentBranch.x21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.x.
Usage rule: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

The class represents equivalent shunts.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

Maximum allowable peak short-circuit current of busbar (Ipmax in IEC 60909-0).
Mechanical limit of the busbar in the substation itself. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system.

Type: object

A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.
For symmetrical, transposed three phase lines, it is sufficient to use attributes of the line segment, which describe impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment. Additionally impedances can be computed by using length and associated per length impedances.
The BaseVoltage at the two ends of ACLineSegments in a Line shall have the same BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage. However, boundary lines may have slightly different BaseVoltage.nominalVoltages and variation is allowed. Larger voltage difference in general requires use of an equivalent branch.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

Represents a single wire of an alternating current line segment.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Represents a single wire of an alternating current line segment.

Type: integer

Number designation for this line segment phase. Each line segment phase within a line segment should have a unique sequence number. This is useful for unbalanced modelling to bind the mathematical model (PhaseImpedanceData of PerLengthPhaseImpedance) with the connectivity model (this class) and the physical model (WirePosition) without tight coupling.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: object or number

Segment length for calculating line section capabilities.

Same definition as HydroGeneratingUnit.dropHeight

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: object or number

Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.

Same definition as LinearShuntCompensatorPhase.bPerSection

Type: object or number

Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section. This value represents the full charging over the full length of the line.

Same definition as LinearShuntCompensatorPhase.bPerSection

Type: object or number

Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.

Same definition as LinearShuntCompensatorPhase.gPerSection

Type: object or number

Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.

Same definition as LinearShuntCompensatorPhase.gPerSection

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series resistance of the entire line section.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series resistance of the entire line section.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Maximum permitted temperature at the end of SC for the calculation of minimum short-circuit currents. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: object or number

Positive sequence series reactance of the entire line section.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Zero sequence series reactance of the entire line section.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object

A two terminal and power conducting device of negligible impedance and length represented as zero impedance device that can be used to connect auxiliary equipment to its terminals.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

Represents a single wire of an alternating current wire segment.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Represents a single wire of an alternating current wire segment.

Type: integer

Number designation for this wire segment phase. Each wire segment phase within a wire segment should have a unique sequence number.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

Segment length for calculating line section capabilities.

Same definition as HydroGeneratingUnit.dropHeight

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A conducting equipment used to represent a connection to ground which is typically used to compensate earth faults. An earth fault compensator device modelled with a single terminal implies a second terminal solidly connected to ground. If two terminals are modelled, the ground is not assumed and normal connection rules apply.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

The nominal reactance. This is the operating point (normally over compensation) that is defined based on the resonance point in the healthy network condition. The impedance is calculated based on nominal voltage divided by position current.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: enum (of string)

The mode of operation of the Petersen coil.

Must be one of:

  • "fixed"
  • "manual"
  • "automaticPositioning"

Type: object or number

The nominal voltage for which the coil is designed.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The offset current that the Petersen coil controller is operating from the resonant point. This is normally a fixed amount for which the controller is configured and could be positive or negative. Typically 0 to 60 A depending on voltage and resonance conditions.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

The control current used to control the Petersen coil also known as the position current. Typically in the range of 20 mA to 200 mA.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object

A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment.
A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: object or number

The length to the place where the clamp is located starting from side one of the line segment, i.e. the line segment terminal with sequence number equal to 1.

Same definition as HydroGeneratingUnit.dropHeight

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance. It is a two terminal device.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

Describe if a metal oxide varistor (mov) for over voltage protection is configured in parallel with the series compensator. It is used for short circuit calculations.

Type: object or number

The maximum current the varistor is designed to handle at specified duration. It is used for short circuit calculations and exchanged only if SeriesCompensator.varistorPresent is true.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

The dc voltage at which the varistor starts conducting. It is used for short circuit calculations and exchanged only if SeriesCompensator.varistorPresent is true.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A point where the system is grounded used for connecting conducting equipment to ground. The power system model can have any number of grounds.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits. All switches are two terminal devices including grounding switches. The ACDCTerminal.connected at the two sides of the switch shall not be considered for assessing switch connectivity, i.e. only Switch.open, .normalOpen and .locked are relevant.

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: array

State variable for switch.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

State variable for switch.

Type: enum (of string)

The terminal phase at which the connection is applied. If missing, the injection is assumed to be balanced among non-neutral phases.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: boolean

The attribute tells if the computed state of the switch is considered open.

Type: array

Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase.

Type: boolean

Used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the SwitchPhase has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with this value.

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this SwitchPhase on the side with terminal sequence number equal to 1. Should be a phase contained in that terminal’s phases attribute.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: enum (of string)

Phase of this SwitchPhase on the side with terminal sequence number equal to 2. Should be a phase contained in that terminal’s Terminal.phases attribute.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase.phase

Type: boolean

The attribute tells if the switch is considered closed when used as input to topology processing.

Type: object or number

The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

The attribute tells if the switch is considered open when used as input to topology processing.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: object or number

The transition time from open to close.

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber equal to 1.

Same definition as HydroGeneratingUnit.dropHeight

Type: boolean

The attribute is used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the Switch has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with the Switch.normalOpen.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: object or number

The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: boolean

Branch is retained in the topological solution. The flow through retained switches will normally be calculated in power flow.

Type: integer

The switch on count since the switch was last reset or initialized.

Type: string

The date and time when the switch was last switched on.

Type: object or number

The maximum fault current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: boolean

If true, the switch is locked. The resulting switch state is a combination of locked and Switch.open attributes as follows:

  • locked=true and Switch.open=true. The resulting state is open and locked;
  • locked=false and Switch.open=true. The resulting state is open;
  • locked=false and Switch.open=false. The resulting state is closed.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow).
A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical.
A power transformer can be modelled with or without tanks and is intended for use in both balanced and unbalanced representations. A power transformer typically has two terminals, but may have one (grounding), three or more terminals.
The inherited association ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage should not be used. The association from TransformerEnd to BaseVoltage should be used instead.

Type: array

An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and placed in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and placed in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers.

Type: array

Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer).

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer).

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: integer

Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the power transformer vector group or phase angle clock number. Highest voltage winding should be 1. Each end within a power transformer should have a unique subsequent end number. Note the transformer end number need not match the terminal sequence number.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalent as follows.
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=1) PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=2) PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0. Parameters are always provided, even if the PowerTransformerEnds have the same rated voltage. In this case, the parameters are provided at the PowerTransformerEnd which has TransformerEnd.endNumber equal to 1.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represent a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) For a three Terminal transformer each PowerTransformerEnd shall have g, g0, b and b0 values corresponding to the no load losses distributed on the three PowerTransformerEnds. The total no load loss shunt impedances may also be placed at one of the PowerTransformerEnds, preferably the end numbered 1, having the shunt values on end 1. This is the preferred way.
4) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers.
Each PowerTransformerEnd must be contained by a PowerTransformer. Because a PowerTransformerEnd (or any other object) can not be contained by more than one parent, a PowerTransformerEnd can not have an association to an EquipmentContainer (Substation, VoltageLevel, etc).

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalent as follows.
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=1) PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=2) PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0. Parameters are always provided, even if the PowerTransformerEnds have the same rated voltage. In this case, the parameters are provided at the PowerTransformerEnd which has TransformerEnd.endNumber equal to 1.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represent a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) For a three Terminal transformer each PowerTransformerEnd shall have g, g0, b and b0 values corresponding to the no load losses distributed on the three PowerTransformerEnds. The total no load loss shunt impedances may also be placed at one of the PowerTransformerEnds, preferably the end numbered 1, having the shunt values on end 1. This is the preferred way.
4) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers.
Each PowerTransformerEnd must be contained by a PowerTransformer. Because a PowerTransformerEnd (or any other object) can not be contained by more than one parent, a PowerTransformerEnd can not have an association to an EquipmentContainer (Substation, VoltageLevel, etc).

Type: array

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object

Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.
The typical case is that this class describes the impedance between two transformer ends pair-wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both transformer end associations are 1. However, in cases where two or more transformer ends are modelled the cardinalities are larger than 1.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings. For transformers with 4 or more windings, TransformerMeshImpedance class shall be used.
For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0).

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: object

The transformer core admittance. Used to specify the core admittance of a transformer in a manner that can be shared among power transformers.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: enum (of string)

Kind of connection.

Must be one of:

  • "D"
  • "Y"
  • "Z"
  • "Yn"
  • "Zn"
  • "A"
  • "I"

Type: integer

Terminal voltage phase angle displacement where 360 degrees are represented with clock hours. The valid values are 0 to 11. For example, for the secondary side end of a transformer with vector group code of 'Dyn11', specify the connection kind as wye with neutral and specify the phase angle of the clock as 11. The clock value of the transformer end number specified as 1, is assumed to be zero. Note the transformer end number is not assumed to be the same as the terminal sequence number.

Type: object or number

Resistance (star-model) of the transformer end.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than zero for non-equivalent transformers.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Normal apparent power rating.
The attribute shall be a positive value. For a two-winding transformer the values for the high and low voltage sides shall be identical.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedS

Type: object or number

Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings.
A high voltage side, as given by TransformerEnd.endNumber, shall have a ratedU that is greater than or equal to ratedU for the lower voltage sides.
The attribute shall be a positive value.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: integer

Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the power transformer vector group or phase angle clock number. Highest voltage winding should be 1. Each end within a power transformer should have a unique subsequent end number. Note the transformer end number need not match the terminal sequence number.

Type: boolean

(for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded.

Type: object or number

The reference voltage at which the magnetizing saturation measurements were made.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

(for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

(for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: array

State variable for status.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or number

The highest operating current (Ib in IEC 60909-0) before short circuit (depends on network configuration and relevant reliability philosophy). It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0.

Same definition as ExternalNetworkInjection.maxInitialSymShCCurrent

Type: object or number

The highest operating voltage (Ub in IEC 60909-0) before short circuit. It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0. This is worst case voltage on the low side winding (3.7.1 of IEC 60909:2001). Used to define operating conditions.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: object or number

The angle of power factor before short circuit (phib in IEC 60909-0). It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0. This is the worst case power factor. Used to define operating conditions.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

The minimum operating voltage (uQmin in IEC 60909-0) at the high voltage side (Q side) of the unit transformer of the power station unit. A value well established from long-term operating experience of the system. It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KG defined in IEC 60909-0.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

Indicates whether the machine is part of a power station unit. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. It has an impact on how the correction factors are calculated for transformers, since the transformer is not necessarily part of a synchronous machine and generating unit. It is not always possible to derive this information from the model. This is why the attribute is necessary.

Type: boolean

It is used to define if the data (other attributes related to short circuit data exchange) defines long term operational conditions or not. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.

Type: string

Vector group of the transformer for protective relaying, e.g., Dyn1. For unbalanced transformers, this may not be simply determined from the constituent winding connections and phase angle displacements.

The vectorGroup string consists of the following components in the order listed: high voltage winding connection, mid voltage winding connection (for three winding transformers), phase displacement clock number from 0 to 11, low voltage winding connection
phase displacement clock number from 0 to 11. The winding connections are D (delta), Y (wye), YN (wye with neutral), Z (zigzag), ZN (zigzag with neutral), A (auto transformer). Upper case means the high voltage, lower case mid or low. The high voltage winding always has clock position 0 and is not included in the vector group string. Some examples: YNy0 (two winding wye to wye with no phase displacement), YNd11 (two winding wye to delta with 330 degrees phase displacement), YNyn0d5 (three winding transformer wye with neutral high voltage, wye with neutral mid voltage and no phase displacement, delta low voltage with 150 degrees displacement).

Phase displacement is defined as the angular difference between the phasors representing the voltages between the neutral point (real or imaginary) and the corresponding terminals of two windings, a positive sequence voltage system being applied to the high-voltage terminals, following each other in alphabetical sequence if they are lettered, or in numerical sequence if they are numbered: the phasors are assumed to rotate in a counter-clockwise sense.

Type: boolean

The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.

Type: boolean

The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: boolean

Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions.

Type: object

A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer.

Angle sign convention (general): Positive value indicates a positive phase shift from the winding where the tap is located to the other winding (for a two-winding transformer).

Type: array

State variable for transformer tap step.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

State variable for transformer tap step.

Type: number

The floating point tap position. This is not the tap ratio, but rather the tap step position as defined by the related tap changer model and normally is constrained to be within the range of minimum and maximum tap positions.

Type: object

Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment.

Type: object or number

Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied.

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The regulation is performed in a discrete mode. This applies to equipment with discrete controls, e.g. tap changers and shunt compensators.

Type: enum (of string)

The regulating control mode presently available. This specification allows for determining the kind of regulation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule.

Must be one of:

  • "voltage"
  • "activePower"
  • "reactivePower"
  • "currentFlow"
  • "admittance"
  • "timeScheduled"
  • "temperature"
  • "powerFactor"

Type: enum (of string)

Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location.

Same definition as Terminal.phases

Type: number

This is a deadband used with discrete control to avoid excessive update of controls like tap changers and shunt compensator banks while regulating. The units of those appropriate for the mode. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. If RegulatingControl.discrete is set to "false", the RegulatingControl.targetDeadband is to be ignored.
Note that for instance, if the targetValue is 100 kV and the targetDeadband is 2 kV the range is from 99 to 101 kV.

Type: number

The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value without the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute.

Type: enum (of string)

Specify the multiplier for used for the targetValue.

Same definition as multiplier

Type: boolean

The flag tells if regulation is enabled.

Type: number

Maximum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).

Type: number

Minimum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: enum (of string)

Specifies the regulation control mode (voltage or reactive) of the RatioTapChanger.

Must be one of:

  • "volt"
  • "reactive"

Type: integer

Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral.
The attribute shall be greater than lowStep.

Type: object or number

For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change).

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: integer

Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities.

Type: integer

The neutral tap step position for this winding.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep.
It is the step position where the voltage is neutralU when the other terminals of the transformer are at the ratedU. If there are other tap changers on the transformer those taps are kept constant at their neutralStep.

Type: object or number

Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting. It is the voltage at the terminal of the PowerTransformerEnd associated with the tap changer when all tap changers on the transformer are at their neutralStep position. Normally neutralU of the tap changer is the same as ratedU of the PowerTransformerEnd, but it can differ in special cases such as when the tapping mechanism is separate from the winding more common on lower voltage transformers.
This attribute is not relevant for PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical, PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical and PhaseTapChangerLinear.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: integer

The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: object or number

For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes).

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: number

Tap changer position.
Starting step for a steady state solution. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous tap variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete tap changer has yet been designed, a solution where a narrow voltage band forces the tap step to oscillate or to accommodate for a continuous solution as input.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.

Type: object or number

Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage of the power transformer end, per step position.
When the increment is negative, the voltage decreases when the tap step increases.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

A transformer phase shifting tap model that controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and potentially the active power flow through the power transformer. This phase tap model may also impact the voltage magnitude.

Type: array

State variable for transformer tap step.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

State variable for transformer tap step.

Same definition as SvTapStep

Type: object

Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment.

Same definition as TapChanger.TapChangerControl

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: integer

Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral.
The attribute shall be greater than lowStep.

Type: object or number

For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change).

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: integer

Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities.

Type: integer

The neutral tap step position for this winding.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep.
It is the step position where the voltage is neutralU when the other terminals of the transformer are at the ratedU. If there are other tap changers on the transformer those taps are kept constant at their neutralStep.

Type: object or number

Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting. It is the voltage at the terminal of the PowerTransformerEnd associated with the tap changer when all tap changers on the transformer are at their neutralStep position. Normally neutralU of the tap changer is the same as ratedU of the PowerTransformerEnd, but it can differ in special cases such as when the tapping mechanism is separate from the winding more common on lower voltage transformers.
This attribute is not relevant for PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical, PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical and PhaseTapChangerLinear.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: integer

The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.

Type: object or number

The phase angle between the in-phase winding and the out-of -phase winding used for creating phase shift. The out-of-phase winding produces what is known as the difference voltage. Setting this angle to 90 degrees is not the same as a symmetrical transformer. The attribute can only be multiples of 30 degrees. The allowed range is -150 degrees to 150 degrees excluding 0.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: object or number

For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes).

Same definition as ShuntCompensator.aVRDelay

Type: number

Tap changer position.
Starting step for a steady state solution. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous tap variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete tap changer has yet been designed, a solution where a narrow voltage band forces the tap step to oscillate or to accommodate for a continuous solution as input.
The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.

Type: object or number

The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The maximum reactance (xMax) appears at the low and high tap positions. Depending on the “u” curve the attribute can be either higher or lower than PowerTransformerEnd.x.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

The voltage step increment on the out of phase winding (the PowerTransformerEnd where the TapChanger is located) specified in percent of rated voltage of the PowerTransformerEnd. A positive value means a positive voltage variation from the Terminal at the PowerTransformerEnd, where the TapChanger is located, into the transformer.
When the increment is negative, the voltage decreases when the tap step increases.

Same definition as InefficientBatteryUnit.efficiencyDischarge

Type: object or number

The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The maximum reactance (xMax) appears at the low and high tap positions. Depending on the “u” curve the attribute can be either higher or lower than PowerTransformerEnd.x.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

The reactance depend on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The minimum reactance (xMin) appear at the mid tap position. PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be consistent with PhaseTapChangerLinear.xMin and PhaseTapChangerNonLinear.xMin. In case of inconsistency, PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The minimum reactance (xMin) appears at the mid tap position. PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be consistent with PhaseTapChangerLinear.xMin and PhaseTapChangerNonLinear.xMin. In case of inconsistency, PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be used.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: boolean

Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.

Type: object or number

Phase shift per step position. A positive value indicates a positive angle variation from the Terminal at the PowerTransformerEnd, where the TapChanger is located, into the transformer.
The actual phase shift increment might be more accurately computed from the symmetrical or asymmetrical models or a tap step table lookup if those are available.

Same definition as VsConverter.delta

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.

Type: object

Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow.
Remote bus voltage control is possible by specifying the controlled terminal located at some place remote from the controlling equipment.
The specified terminal shall be associated with the connectivity node of the controlled point. The most specific subtype of RegulatingControl shall be used in case such equipment participate in the control, e.g. TapChangerControl for tap changers.
For flow control, load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.
The attribute minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are required in the following cases:
- For a power generating module operated in power factor control mode to specify maximum and minimum power factor values;
- Whenever it is necessary to have an off center target voltage for the tap changer regulator. For instance, due to long cables to off shore wind farms and the need to have a simpler setup at the off shore transformer platform, the voltage is controlled from the land at the connection point for the off shore wind farm. Since there usually is a voltage rise along the cable, there is typical and overvoltage of up 3-4 kV compared to the on shore station. Thus in normal operation the tap changer on the on shore station is operated with a target set point, which is in the lower parts of the dead band.
The attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are not related to the attribute targetDeadband and thus they are not treated as an alternative of the targetDeadband. They are needed due to limitations in the local substation controller. The attribute targetDeadband is used to prevent the power flow from move the tap position in circles (hunting) that is to be used regardless of the attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue.

Type: object

An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.

Same definition as Terminal

Type: object or number

Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.ratedU

Type: boolean

If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied.

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.r

Type: object or number

Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow.

Same definition as PowerElectronicsConnection.x

Type: string

The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.

Type: boolean

The regulation is performed in a discrete mode. This applies to equipment with discrete controls, e.g. tap changers and shunt compensators.

Type: enum (of string)

The regulating control mode presently available. This specification allows for determining the kind of regulation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule.

Same definition as RegulatingControl.mode

Type: enum (of string)

Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location.

Same definition as Terminal.phases

Type: number

This is a deadband used with discrete control to avoid excessive update of controls like tap changers and shunt compensator banks while regulating. The units of those appropriate for the mode. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. If RegulatingControl.discrete is set to "false", the RegulatingControl.targetDeadband is to be ignored.
Note that for instance, if the targetValue is 100 kV and the targetDeadband is 2 kV the range is from 99 to 101 kV.

Type: number

The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value without the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute.

Type: enum (of string)

Specify the multiplier for used for the targetValue.

Same definition as multiplier

Type: boolean

The flag tells if regulation is enabled.

Type: number

Maximum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).

Type: number

Minimum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).

Type: string

The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.

Type: string

Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended.
For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.

Type: string

The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.