InfrastructureModels Library


The core functionalities provided by InfrastructureModels are organized into the following files in the src directory,

  • core/base.jl - tools for building, accessing and optimizing InfrastructureModels mathematical models
  • core/constraint.jl - abstract mathematical constraints that occur across many types of InfrastructureModels
  • core/data.jl - tools for working with data dictionaries that conform to the InfrastructureModels data standards
  • core/export.jl - an internal tool for only exporting functions that do not begin with _
  • core/ref.jl - tools for working with reference dictionaries (ref) that conform to the InfrastructureModels standards
  • core/relaxation_scheme.jl - abstract mathematical constraints implementing convex relaxations of functions that occur across many types of InfrastructureModels
  • core/solution.jl - tools for building optimization result dictionaries in the InfrastructureModels standard format
  • io/matlab.jl - basic tools for parsing matlab files for reading standard infrastructure data formats, such as the Matpower data format

API Reference

Below is a complete list of all components of InfrastructureModels with documentation strings when available. Following the JuMP developer style guide, items beginning with _ are for InfrastructureModels internal use only, while other elements are exported for use and extension by other packages.


Makes a string grey in the terminal, does not seem to work well on Windows terminals more info can be found at


Apply the function func!, which modifies data for a specific infrastructure, it. Here, apply_to_subnetworks specifies whether or not func! should be applied to all subnetworks in a multinetwork dataset.


Apply the function func!, which modifies ref using data for a specific infrastructure, it. Here, apply_to_subnetworks specifies whether or not func! should be applied to all subnetworks in a multinetwork dataset.


Apply the function func!, which modifies ref for a specific infrastructure, it. Here, apply_to_subnetworks specifies whether or not func! should be applied to all subnetworks in a multinetwork dataset.


Builds a ref object without the need to initialize an AbstractInfrastructureModel, where the data is assumed to be in a multi-infrastructure format.


converts a float value into a string of fixed precision

sprintf would do the job but this work around is needed because sprintf cannot take format strings during runtime


Apply the getter function func, which operates on data for a specific infrastructure, it. Here, apply_to_subnetworks specifies whether or not func should be applied to all subnetworks in a multinetwork dataset. If so, a dictionary of retrieved data using func is returned, indexed by the indices of the multinetwork. Otherwise, a single value is returned.


Given a data dictionary following the Infrastructure Models conventions, builds an initial "ref" dictionary converting strings to symbols and component keys to integers. The global keys argument specifies which keys should remain in the root of dictionary when building a multi-network


Given a data dictionary following the InfrastructureModels multi-infrastructure conventions, build and return an initial "ref" dictionary, converting strings to symbols and component keys to integers. The global keys argument specifies which keys should remain in the root of the dictionary when building the multi-infrastructure dataset.


general relaxation of binlinear term (McCormick)

z >= JuMP.lower_bound(x)*y + JuMP.lower_bound(y)*x - JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)
z >= JuMP.upper_bound(x)*y + JuMP.upper_bound(y)*x - JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)
z <= JuMP.lower_bound(x)*y + JuMP.upper_bound(y)*x - JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)
z <= JuMP.upper_bound(x)*y + JuMP.lower_bound(y)*x - JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)

convex hull relaxation of trilinear term

w₁ = JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)*JuMP.lower_bound(z)
w₂ = JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)*JuMP.upper_bound(z)
w₃ = JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)*JuMP.lower_bound(z)
w₄ = JuMP.lower_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)*JuMP.upper_bound(z)
w₅ = JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)*JuMP.lower_bound(z)
w₆ = JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.lower_bound(y)*JuMP.upper_bound(z)
w₇ = JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)*JuMP.lower_bound(z)
w₈ = JuMP.upper_bound(x)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)*JuMP.upper_bound(z)
w = λ₁*w₁ + λ₂*w₂ + λ₃*w₃ + λ₄*w₄ + λ₅*w₅ + λ₆*w₆ + λ₇*w₇ + λ₈*w₈
x = (λ₁ + λ₂ + λ₃ + λ₄)*JuMP.lower_bound(x) + (λ₅ + λ₆ + λ₇ + λ₈)*JuMP.upper_bound(x)
y = (λ₁ + λ₂ + λ₅ + λ₆)*JuMP.lower_bound(y) + (λ₃ + λ₄ + λ₇ + λ₈)*JuMP.upper_bound(y)
z = (λ₁ + λ₃ + λ₅ + λ₇)*JuMP.lower_bound(z) + (λ₂ + λ₄ + λ₆ + λ₈)*JuMP.upper_bound(z)
λ₁ + λ₂ + λ₃ + λ₄ + λ₅ + λ₆ + λ₇ + λ₈ = 1

The def macro is used to build other macros that can insert the same block of julia code into different parts of a program. In InfrastructureModels packages this is macro is used to generate a standard set of fields inside a model type hierarchy.
