
We define the following methods to provide a compositional approach toward defining common constraints used in coupled gas-power models. These methods should always be defined over AbstractGasPowerModel.


Constraint for coupling the production of power at natural gas generators with the gas consumption required to produce this power. The full nonconvex constraint is stated as

\[fl = e \rho \sum_{i \in \Gamma} (h_{i}^{0} pg_{i}^2 + h_{i}^{1} pg_{i} + h_{i}^{2}),\]

where $h$ is a quadratic function used to convert MW ($pg$) into Joules consumed per second (J/s). $h$ is in units of (J/MW^2, J/MW, J). This is then converted to mass flow, $fl$, (kg/s) of gas consumed to produce this energy. Here, $e$ is an energy factor (m^3/J) and $\rho$ is standard density (kg/m^3). This constraint can be relaxed to a convex quadratic of the form

\[fl \geq e \rho \sum_{i \in \Gamma} (h_{i}^{0} pg_{i}^2 + h_{i}^{1} pg_{i} + h_{i}^{2}),\]


Constraint for coupling the production of power at dispatchable natural gas generators with the gas consumption required to produce this power. The full nonconvex constraint is stated as

\[fl = e \rho \sum_{i \in \Gamma} (h_{i}^{0} pg_{i}^2 + h_{i}^{1} pg_{i} + h_{i}^{2} z_{i}),\]

where $h$ is a quadratic function used to convert MW ($pg$) into Joules consumed per second (J/s). $h$ is in units of (J/MW^2, J/MW, J). This is then converted to mass flow, $fl$, (kg/s) of gas consumed to produce this energy. Here, $e$ is an energy factor (m^3/J) and $\rho$ is standard density (kg/m^3). $z$ is a discrete variable indicating the status of the generator. This constraint can be relaxed to a convex quadratic of the form

\[fl \geq e \rho \sum_{i \in \Gamma} (h_{i}^{0} pg_{i}^2 + h_{i}^{1} pg_{i} + h_{i}^{2} z_{i}),\]


Constraint that is used to compute the cost for pressure in a zone. Since the cost of pressure typically appears in the objective function or is bounded, the constraints do not compute the price directly. Rather they act as a lower bound on the price of pressure, which is implictly tight when this term only appears in the objective function:

\[pc_z \ge p_z[1] * \pi_z^2 + cp_z[2] * \pi_z + cp_z[3],\]

where $pc_z$ is the maximum pressure price in zone $z$ and $p_z$ is a quadratic function of the maximum pressure in $z$.


Auxiliary constraint that computes the total consumed gas in a zone. This constraint takes the form of

\[fl_{z} = \sum_{k \in z} fl_k,\]

where $fl_{z}$ is the total consumed gas in zone $z$ and $fl_k$ is gas consumed at delivery $k$ in the zone.


Constraint that is used to compute cost for gas in a zone. Since the cost of gas typically appears in the objective function or is bounded, these constraints do not compute the price directly. Rather, they place a lower bound on the price of gas. There are two constraints stated here. The first constraint is

\[cost_{z} \ge q_z[1] * (fl_z * \frac{1.0}{\rho})^2 + q_z[2] * fl_z * \frac{1.0}{\rho} + q_z[3].\]

The second constraint is

\[m_z * fl_z * \frac{1.0}{\rho},\]

where $cost_{z}$ is the daily (24-hour) cost of gas in zone $z$. $q$ is the quadratic cost of gas as function of gas consumed in the zone, $fl_z.$ $\rho$ is standard density. $m$ is the minimum cost of gas in terms kg/s.


Constraint that is used to compute the maximum pressure in a price zone. Since the maximum pressure typically appears in a minimization objective function, the max is modeled as a lower bound of the form

\[\pi_z \ge \pi_i \forall i \in z.\]
