GasPowerModels.jl Documentation
GasPowerModels.jl is a Julia/JuMP package for the joint optimization of steady state natural gas and power transmission networks. It provides utilities for modeling problems that combine elements of natural gas and electric power systems. It is designed to enable the computational evaluation of historical and emerging gas-power network optimization formulations and algorithms using a common platform. The code is engineered to decouple Problem Specifications (e.g., gas-power flow, network expansion planning) from Network Formulations (e.g., mixed-integer convex, mixed-integer nonconvex). This decoupling enables the definition of a variety of optimization formulations and their comparison on common problem specifications.
The latest stable release of GasPowerModels can be installed using the Julia package manager with
] add GasPowerModels
For the current development version, install the package using
] add GasPowerModels#master
Finally, test that the package works as expected by executing
] test GasPowerModels
Usage at a Glance
At least one optimization solver is required to run GasPowerModels. The solver selected typically depends on the type of problem formulation being employed. As an example, the mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver Juniper can be used for testing any of the problem formulations considered in this package. Juniper itself depends on the installation of a nonlinear programming solver (e.g., Ipopt) and a mixed-integer linear programming solver (e.g., CBC). Installation of the JuMP interfaces to Juniper, Ipopt, and CBC can be performed via the Julia package manager, i.e.,
] add JuMP Juniper Ipopt Cbc
After installation of the required solvers, an example gas-power flow feasibility problem (whose file inputs can be found in the test
directory within the GasPowerModels repository) can be solved via
using JuMP, Juniper, Ipopt, Cbc
using GasPowerModels
# Set up the optimization solvers.
ipopt = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0, "sb" => "yes")
cbc = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer, "logLevel" => 0)
juniper = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver" => ipopt, "mip_solver" => cbc)
# Specify paths to the gas, power, and linking files.
g_file = "test/data/matgas/GasLib-11-GPF.m" # Gas network.
p_file = "test/data/matpower/case5-GPF.m" # Power network.
link_file = "test/data/json/GasLib-11-case5.json" # Linking data.
# Specify the gas-power formulation type.
gpm_type = GasPowerModel{CRDWPGasModel, SOCWRPowerModel}
# Solve the gas-power flow (gpf) feasibility problem.
result = run_gpf(g_file, p_file, link_file, gpm_type, juniper;
solution_processors = [GasPowerModels._GM.sol_psqr_to_p!,
After solving the problem, results can then be analyzed, e.g.,
# The termination status of the optimization solver.
# Generator 1's active (real) power generation.
# Junction 1's pressure.