Transient Problem Specifications

Optimal Gas Flow

The transient optimal gas flow problem optimizes a linear combination of the total compressor power and the total load shed in the system subject to the time-varying pipeline dynamics modeled as ordinary-differential equations (ODEs), discretized using Backward Euler scheme. The readers are referred to this paper or its (arxiv version) for a derivation of the ODEs. Also, note that the Optimal Gas Flow problem currently can work with only time-periodic time-series data. If the data is not time-periodic, then GasModels will try to fit a time-periodic spline to the data and then run the transient optimal gas flow problem.




The following linear and non-linear expressions are created by the formulation for ease of formulating the constraints

Constraints and Constraint Templates

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for constraint_nodal_balance. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Three types of objectives are supported by the transient OGF problem (i) a load shedding objective, (ii) a compressor power objective, and (iii) a linear combination of both controlled by the optional argument economic_weighting in the Matlab static file.