
Constraint Templates

Constraint templates help simplify data wrangling across multiple Gas Flow formulations by providing an abstraction layer between the network data and network constraint definitions. The constraint template's job is to extract the required parameters from a given network data structure and pass the data as named arguments to the Gas Flow formulations.

These templates should be defined over AbstractGasModel and should not refer to model variables. For more details, see the files: core/constraint_template.jl and core/constraint.jl.

Junction Constraints

Flow balance constraints

The primary constraints related to junctions ensure that mass flow is balanced at these nodes. The specifics of the constraint implementation will change if there are network design options (denoted by \_ne in the name of the function).


Constraint: standard flow balance equation where demand and production are variables


Template: Constraints for mass flow balance equation where demand and production is are a mix of constants and variables


Constraint: standard flow balance equation where demand and production are variables


Constraint: standard flow balance equation where demand and production are variables and there are expansion connections


Template: Constraints for mass flow balance equation where demand and production is are a mix of constants and variables and there are expansion connections


Constraint: standard flow balance equation where demand and production are variables and there are expansion connections


Direction On/off Constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special (redundant) constraints which tie the direction variables together. Examples include ensuring that ensure at least one edge of junction that has only sources of natural gas has outgoing flow.


Constraint: Make sure there is at least one direction set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on source nodes)


Template: Constraints for ensuring that at least one direction is set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on source nodes)


Constraint: Make sure there is at least one direction set to take flow to a junction (typically used on sink nodes)


Template: Constraints for ensuring that at least one direction is set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on sink nodes)


Constraint: This constraint is intended to ensure that flow is one direction through a node with degree 2 and no production or consumption


Template: Constraints to ensure that flow is the same direction through a node with degree 2 and no production or consumption


Constraint: Make sure there is at least one direction set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on source nodes)


Template: Constraints for ensuring that at least one direction is set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on source nodes)


Constraint: Make sure there is at least one direction set to take flow to a junction (typically used on sink nodes)


Template: Constraints for ensuring that at least one direction is set to take flow away from a junction (typically used on sink nodes)


Constraint: This constraint is intended to ensure that flow is on direction through a node with degree 2 and no production or consumption for a node with expansion edges


Template: Constraints to ensure that flow is the same direction through a node with degree 2 and no production or consumption


Pipe Constraints

Weymouth's law constraints

The primary constraints related to pipes ensure that that pressure drop and flow across a pipe is related through the Weymouth relationships. Here, the naming convention ne is used to denote the form of the constraint used for expansion pipes.


Template: Weymouth equation for defining the relationship between pressure drop and flow across a pipe


Constraint: Weymouth equation–not applicable for LRDWP models


Constraint: Weymouth equation–not applicable for LRWP models


Weymouth equation with absolute value


Weymouth equation with discrete direction variables

Constraint 1:

This constraint should be active when flow goes from i to j. Pressure needs to decrease from i to j. y = 1 models this condition When y = 1, this constraint becomes w(pi - pj) >= f^2, which is only true when pi >= pj When y = 0, we have w(pi - pj) >= f^2 - fmin^2 + w*pdmin. By definition, w(pi - pj) <= 0. The lower bound on w(pi - pj) is w*pdmin. Since flow is reversed in this situation, f^2 is bounded by fmin^2. Thus f^2 - f_min^2 only further decreases the rhs. Thus, this constraint is always true (inactive when y = 0)

Constraint 2:

When y = 1, w(pi - pj) >= 0 this constraint needs to be active, so should be upper bounded by f^2 to get equality when combined with weymouth1

When y = 0, w(pi - pj) <= 0, making this constraint always true (inactive when y = 0)

Constraint 3:

This constraint should be active when flow goes from j to i. Pressure needs to decrease from j to i. y = 0 models this condition

When y = 0, this constraint becomes w*(pj - pi) >= f^2, which is only true when pj >= pi

When y = 1, we have w(pj - pi) >= f^2 - f_max^2 - wpd_max. By definition, w(pj - pi) <= 0. The lower bound on w(pi - pj) is

-w*pdmax (sign flip on pi amnd pj). Since flow is forward in this situation, f^2 is bounded by fmax^2. Thus f^2 - f_max^2 only further decreases the rhs.

Thus, this constraint is always true (inactive when y = 1)

Constraint 4:

When y = 0, w(pj - pi) >= 0 this constraint needs to be active, so should be upper bounded by f^2 to get equality when combined with weymouth3

When y = 1, w(pj - pi) <= 0, making this constraint always true (inactive when y = 1)

note the sign flip between pi and pj


Weymouth equation for a pipe


Template: Weymouth equation for expansion pipes


Constraint: Weymouth equation


Constraint: Weymouth equation


Weymouth equation for an expansion pipe


Weymouth equation for an expansion pipe

Constraint 1:

When zp = 1, this constraint reduces to constraint weymouth1 in constraintpipeweymouth, which is what we want (i.e. an active constraint) When zp = 0, we want this constraint to be in active AND any y value should be valid. In this case, since f^2 = 0 (there is no flow) the constraint becomes w(pi - pj) >= -(1-y) * (f_min^2 - wpdmin) - abs(w*pdmin). When y = 1, we have w(pi - pj) >= -abs(wpdmin). Since pdmin is the lower bound on pi - pj, this is always true. When y = 0, we have w(pi - pj) >= -f_min^2 + wpdmin - abs(w*pdmin). Which is always true. wpd_min is the lower bound on wpi - pj and the other two terms just drive the lower bound further down.

Constraint 2:

When zp = 1, this constraint reduces to constraint weymouth2 in constraintpipeweymouth, which is what we want (i.e. an active constraint) When zp = 0, we have w(pi - pj) <= f^2 + wpdmax. Since w*pdmax is the upper bound on w*(pi-pj), this is always true.

Constraint 3:

When zp = 1, this constraint reduces to constraint weymouth3 in constraintpipeweymouth, which is what we want (i.e. an active constraint) When zp = 0, we want this constraint to be in active AND any y value should be valid. In this case, since f^2 = 0 (there is no flow) the constraint becomes w(pj - pi) >= - y * (f_max^2 + wpdmax) - abs(w*pdmax). When y = 0, we have w(pj - pi) >= -abs(wpdmax). Since -pdmax is the lower bound on pj - pi note reversal of pressure sign, this is always true. When y = 1, we have w(pj - pi) >= -f_max^2 - wpdmax - abs(w*pdmax). Which is always true. -wpd_max is the lower bound on w(pj - pi) (note the sign flip). The other two terms just drive the lower bound further down.

Constraint 4:

When zp = 1, this constraint reduces to constraint weymouth4 in constraintpipeweymouth, which is what we want (i.e. an active constraint)

When zp = 0, we have (pj - pi) <= f^2 - wpd_min). Since -wpd_min is the upper bound on w*(pj-pi)–the pi and pj are flipped, this is always true.


Weymouth equation for an expansion pipe

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for constraint_pipe_weymouth_ne. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Mass flow and pressure drop constraints

Secondarily, there are constraints associated with limits on pressure drop or mass flow across pipes. These constraints also use the ne and naming conventions.


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a pipe


Template: Pressure drop across pipes


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a pipe when there are on/off direction variables


Network expansion constraints

These constraints turn on or off the association between pressure and flow for pipes designated as expansion options.


Constraint: on/off constraints on flow across pipes for expansion pipes


Template: Constraint associatd with turning off flow depending on the status of expansion pipes


Direction on/off constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special (redundant) constraints which tie the direction variables together. Examples include ensuring that ensuring that parallel pipes have flow in the same direction.

Resistor Constraints

Weymouth's law constraints

The primary constraints related to resistor ensure that that pressure drop and flow across a resistor is related through the Weymouth relationships.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for constraint_resistor_weymouth. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Mass flow and pressure drop constraints

Secondarily, there are constraints associated with limits on pressure drop or mass flow across pipes.


Template: Pressure drop across resistor with on/off direction variables


Constraint: Define pressures across a resistor


Constraint: Define pressures across a resistor


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a resistor


Constraint: Define pressures across a resistor


Constraint: Define pressures across a resistor


Direction on/off constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special (redundant) constraints which tie the direction variables together. Examples include ensuring that ensuring that parallel pipes have flow in the same direction.

Loss Resistor Constraints

The primary constraints related to loss resistors ensure that the pressure drop is constant along each edge. They also ensure that squared pressure variables are somehow related to (nonsquared) pressure variables.

Mass flow and pressure drop constraints


Template: Pressure drop across loss_resistor with on/off direction variables


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a loss resistor


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a loss resistor


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a loss resistor


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a loss resistor


Constraint: Constraints which define pressure drop across a loss resistor


Compressor Constraints

Operations Constraints

The primary constraints related to compressors ensure that that the compressors operate within the limits of their capability (boost ratio, energy consumption, etc.). These constraints use the ne naming conventions to denote constraints where the compressor is an expansion option.


Template: Compression ratios for a compressor


Constraint: enforces pressure changes bounds that obey compression ratios for a compressor with on/off direction variables


Constraint: Compressor ratio constraints on pressure differentials–not applicable for LRWP models


enforces pressure changes bounds that obey compression ratios


Template: constraints on pressure drop across a compressor


Constraint: constraints on pressure drop across expansion compressors with on/off decision variables


Constraint: compressor ratios on a new compressor


constraints on pressure drop across a compressor


Template: Constraints on the compressor energy


Constraint: constrains the energy of the compressor


Constraint: constrains the energy of the compressor


Constraint: constrains the energy of the compressor


Constraint: constrains the energy of the compressor


Constraint: constrains the energy of the compressor


Direction On/off Constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special constraints to connect direction of flow with the choice of the binary variable.

Network Expansion Constraints

Constraints are also used to turn on/off flow through a compressor in expansion planning formulations

Regulator Constraints

Operations Constraints

The primary constraints related to regulator ensure that that the valves operate within the limits of their capability (pressure reduction). The control valve also has an open/close variable to determine whether or not flow is allowed through the valve


Constraint Enforces pressure changes bounds that obey decompression ratios for


Constraint: Constraints on pressure drop across control valves that have on/off direction variables


constraints on pressure drop across control valves–not applicable for LRWP models


constraints on pressure drop across control valves


Direction On/off Constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special constraints to connect direction of flow with the choice of the binary variable.

Valve Constraints

Operations Constraints

The primary function of a valve is to open or close a pipe.

Direction On/off Constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special constraints to connect direction of flow with the choice of the binary variable.

Short Pipes

Pressure Constraints

Short pipes are used to model frictionless connections between junctions. The primary constraint ensures the pressure on both sides of the short pipe are the same.

Direction On/off Constraints

The disjunctive forms of problems (where directions are controlled by on/off variables) include special constraints to connect direction of flow with the choice of the binary variable.